SA Gourmet Mushroom Academy’s managing director on the need for lifelong learning, fried bees and no peanut butter
1.???? Are we trapped by our educational backgrounds? According to 2023 Nobel Prize laureate Louis Brus, we are limited by our current narrow field of expertise. And the only way to combat that is to learn something new every day.
2.???? Do you talk to yourself? Only in Portuguese. I’m busy conquering the language.
3.???? Is there something that makes you unstoppable? The naysayers aiming for derailment. Organised without funding, the 1st International Gourmet / Medicinal Mushroom Conference in Franschhoek with guest speakers from the USA, Singapore and South Africa was massively successful, sold-out in advance and even made a small profit.
4.???? What is the best wi-fi name you have seen? mindyourownbusiness??
5.???? Is there a place you’ve always dreamt of going? The feisty Sophia Petrillo, played to perfection by Estelle Getty on Golden Girls, steered me in the right direction. Known for her stories about Sicily, her cooking, and her acid-dipped wit, I just had to experience this beautiful island and its fascinating people. It was even better than anticipated. And the food is to die for.?
6.???? Do you see the glass half empty or half full? As Sophia Petrillo famously stated: â€People waste their time pondering whether it’s half empty or half full. Me, I just drink whatever’s in the glassâ€.
7.???? Do you think people resemble their pets? There may be an element of truth here. I love the stubbornness of the Airedale Terriers that are obedient, but only to a point where they start interpreting a repeated request as unreasonable. An attitude and characteristic that I admire.
8.???? Things people don’t know about your career? Qualified in plant pathology and microbiology, I served the deciduous fruit industry as a researcher in mycology for twenty odd years. Also that I completed button and specialty (gourmet) mushroom training at the renowned Centrum voor Champignonteelt Onderwijs (CCO) in Horst, The Netherlands.
9.???? Are gourmet mushrooms superior to buttons? Technically speaking, there are two distinct industries. The traditional compost-based button mushroom industry is well known. The SA Gourmet Mushroom Academy represents the modern substrate-based gourmet mushroom industry, synonymously referred to as the specialty, exotic or medicinal mushroom industry. The gourmet industry is based on various cultivated mushroom genera and species which are known for their nutritional and therapeutic effects.
10.? How did you end up at the Academy? It all started with the initiation of the first mycotourism concept in South Africa. Based in Stellenbosch, it comprised of the SA Gourmet Mushroom Academy training and cultivation facility together with a new five star mushroom-themed boutique hotel. The award-winning hotel was sold to a European investor, whereafter the SA Gourmet Mushroom Academy relocated to Cape Town.
11.? What is the most annoying thing? Call centres.
12.? Are there people you can’t work with? Those that bath themselves in clouds of perfume.
13.? Is fitness a priority when appointing staff? Social fitness and interpersonal connection is equally important as physical fitness.
14.? What’s your opinion on sponsored training? When getting something for free, there seems to be a lack of commitment or urgency to make things work. There should therefore be a formal agreement with conditions attached. Scholarships and bursaries allowed me to study at university.
15.? Are there unhealthy public behaviours that should be banned? Smoking, including vaping. The use of aerosols, especially in dressing rooms of gyms. Incense and essential oils in shops, offices and saunas.?
16.? Do you believe in soulmates? I see it as a person you always feels comfortable with. They are few and far between.
17.? Do you see avocados, exotic mushrooms, kale and other superfoods as overrated? In-season avocados are a staple for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As mushrooms are cultivated all year round, East Asians do that with mushrooms too. Regarding kale, let’s say I have tried it once or twice.
18.? What is your favourite cultivated mushroom? The Lion’s Mane, due to its exceptional texture, taste and renowned ability to regenerate brain cells.
19.? What cultivated gourmet mushroom species are readily available? Shiitake, Shimeji, King Oyster and the Oyster mushroom hybrid HK35 are always in demand. Others produced in smaller quantities are usually available at fresh and organic markets.
20.? Are you able to start with a clean slate? When I sell a home, I have no intention or longing to go back there again. My career move from deciduous fruit to mushrooms was done in a similar way.
21.? Do you have a Duracell battery, sloth or in-between type of personality? I always underestimate the time it takes to complete a task. Deadlines are the name of my game. If you want something done thoroughly, I’m your person.
22.? Is it possible to describe your qualities in three words? Inquisitive, innovative, creative.
23.? What scrambles your brain every time you think about it? People vocal about each and every topic, without having in-depth knowledge of the subject whatsoever.
24.? Are you a morning person or a night owl? I can force myself to work early mornings, but it doesn’t come naturally.
25.? Are you a talker or listener? According to a life coach friend, I’m seen as an intentional listener. Nevertheless, two-way communication is absolutely essential.
26.? What do people overestimate and underestimate about you? People might underestimate the depth of my knowledge and expertise. Similarly, they? might overestimate my ability to compensate for inherent shortcomings.
27.? Have your ever been scammed? To avoid them, I listen to my internal radar. Grandstanding, elementary grammar errors and sloppy punctuation are usually the name of their game.
28.? Is there a food product that you tend to avoid? Peanut butter. If grown or stored under adverse conditions, peanuts might contain mycotoxins, namely aflatoxins, which are flavourless. Lesser grades of peanuts tend to end up as a butter.
29.? But don’t growers use peanut meal as a substrate ingredient in the mushroom cultivation process? Peanut meal should regularly be tested for aflatoxins. Alternative nitrogen-rich supplements such as canola oilseed meal, cottonseed meal and brewer’s grain should also be considered.?
30.? What frustrates you? Politicians and religion-driven politics.
31.? Are you a collector of anything? I have lots of mushroom books, ranging from cultivation, identification to cuisine.?
32.? The last travel destination that knocked your socks off? Portugal. Lisbon is a world class metropolis with unique architecture and great food, whereas Porto boasts buildings with colourful azulejos and being home to the second oldest and most picturesque bookstore in the world. I could easily live there.
33.? What is your biggest achievement? Scientifically speaking, the unconditional acceptance of a doctorate of philosophy in microbiology. Being a perfectionist is not necessarily an asset, books are written on the negative implications thereof. But in this specific case it was a blessing.
34.? Who is your business icon? Lou Hsu , the past president, CEO and owner of Unicorn Import & MFG Corporation, Texas, USA for his work ethic, professionalism, business referrals and kindness.
35.? Who will you forever be grateful to? I’m indebted to the knowledgeable Hui Zeng , professor at the Institute of Edible Fungi, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences who planned and accompanied myself and a group of students on an extensive tour of universities, institutes and private mushroom companies throughout China, including the Tibet Autonomous Region.
36.? What are you reading? Memoirs and autobiographies. I enjoyed Shark’s Fin & Sichuan Pepper by Fuchsia Dunlop.
37.? What inspires your work? The success of the people we educate.
38.? The most unusual item you have eaten? Although sensitive to allergens, a possible allergic reaction never crossed my mind when fried bees were served in China. It was delicious! And I had no adverse effects whatsoever.
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39.? What is something you are particularly proud of? Definitely the mushroom substrate design calculator. It’s such a simple piece of software, but so powerful. Mushroom cultivators, consultants and authors of scientific publications should never err on these basics.
40.? Best advice you can give to mushroom cultivators? Just like a researcher, always keep a control for comparison. Where possible, don’t change more than one parameter at a time. Keep record of each and every step of the process. Even better, make use of our business plan and operational management design system software.
41.? Will a scientific background make you a better mushroom cultivator? Not necessarily, but always experiment with new formulations, species etc. Substrate formulations done in a slightly differently way might be insightful and to your advantage.
42.? Who made the biggest artistic impression on you? On more than one occasion, I had the privilege to observe and interact with the award-winning land and contemporary artist and sculptor, Strijdom van der Merwe. Apart from being talented, he is such a humble human being.
43.? Are you judgmental? Too many people judge the proverbial book by its cover. I tend to make up my own mind after reading the first chapter.
44.? What wears you down and cheers you up? Demand-work that requires too much collaboration usually drains me, but seeing the end result is energising.
45.? Are you afraid of failure? Failures are simply experiments with outcomes we did not expect. And without the occasional unexpected result and the associated adaptation, there might not be progress.
46.? Are you critical of job-hopping? Although it might be beneficial in some industries, frequent job hopping in the mushroom industry will be a red flag. Especially when there seems to be a pattern of not sticking around for longer than 15 months. When highly qualified, it becomes even more of a concern.
47.? Are there mushroom developments and start-ups that inspire you? There are several mycelium-based ones dealing with fashion, packaging, building and food industries. Some of the international companies to be on the lookout for are Ecovative,?Mycelium Materials Europe, Bolt Threats, Grown Bio, Infinite Roots and Neffa.
48.? Are you positive about the gourmet mushroom industry in South Africa? Mushroom companies persevere despite load-shedding and political obstacles. With national elections, a new political dispensation is looming. Just as it’s advisable to buy shares when confidence is lowest, companies or individuals with intentions of entering the mushroom industry might consider taking advantage of this window of opportunity.??
49.? Why would people / companies / universities make use of your services? People value our qualifications, professional approach, research, cultivation and teaching experience. Internationally, the SA Gourmet Mushroom Academy has some of the best qualified staff in the industry.
50.? What is your all-time favourite street food? A freshly baked schiacciata from the original All’Antico Vinaio in Florence, Italy. Filled with prosciutto, pecorino, rocket leaves and truffle cream.
51.? What would you never consider doing? Sign a non-disclosure agreement. If it can’t be discussed in the open, it’s not worth my attention.
52.? Mistakes you have made more than once? To trust people intuitively. Nowadays people have to earn my trust.
53.? Most memorable meal you have eaten in a restaurant? Sicilian gastronomy at its best, the real pizza at Archestrato di Gela, Palermo, Italy.
54.? Are there any mushroom brands you are loyal to? Unicorn Bags. For sterilisation, we recommend their gusseted polypropylene substrate bags with 0.2 and 0.5 micron filters.
55.? Your motto in life? Keep it short and simple. I’m blessed with the ability to explain difficult concepts in simple terms.
56.? Individualist or group person? Both, but I’m more of an individualist.
57.? Coffee or tea connoisseur? I’m used to a double espresso, with a glass of ice water on the side.
58.? Sculptures or paintings? The three-dimensional nature of sculptures, that can be perceived from all directions and angles. ???????
59.? Have you ever won an award or contest? I’m more used to being one of the finalists, e.g. the sought-after BP Scholarship in Agriculture and the fiercely contested FNB Enablis Business Launchpad Competition. But once won the prestigious Deciduous Fruit Industry Researcher of the Year award.
60.? Any sport medals? I have completed several half-marathons. Whilst doing compulsory military in South Africa and Namibia, I surprised myself by winning the military instructors service medal.
61.? Do we need more gourmet mushroom cultivation businesses? Without a doubt, especially those operating at the commercial or industrial level. To those interested, various course options are available via e-Learning, virtual learning or in-person group learning.
62.? Is it true that gourmet mushroom cultivators eat less meat? True, not because they dislike meat but due to the satiety factor associated with nutrient-dense food. When you produce mushrooms, you eat lots of them too.
63.? Are you influenced by strategic promotions e.g. Black Friday marketing? Never.
64.? What’s your viewpoint on graffiti? When created by someone with impressive technical skill, graffiti can be exceptional. Italy is home to some of the finest.
65.? A place you have visited repeatedly? Trastevere, a colourful, funky bohemian neighborhood in Rome. Relaxed atmosphere by day, vibrant traditional and innovative trattorias at night. My second office from home.
66.? One food that you have tried but would never eat again? Kimchi.
67.? On death row, what would your last meal request be? It should be appropriate for a life well lived. Black forest chateau with fresh cream, cherries and kirschwasser.
68.? What movie scared the hell out of you? Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal Lector in 'The Silence of the Lambs'.
69.? Lyrics of a timeless song that seems to be more relevant by the day? John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 'Imagine'.
Smit, A. & Janssens M.P. 2019. Mushroom Business Design Guide. ISBN: 978-0-620-78648-5. Publisher: Cape Connoisseur Champignons (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town. Copyright? protected. All worldwide rights reserved. 146 pages.
1 å¹´An extensive overview of mycotoxins and the detoxification of mycotoxins associated with peanuts, almonds, pistachio nuts, sorghum, millet, maize, wheat, barley, vegetables, fruit such as apple and apple by-products, as well as dairy
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