S?ów kilka wróbla ?wirka o tym jak nie redagowa? skargi kasacyjnej - case study
Marcin Barczyk
Advocate | Partner at KBZ ?uradzki Barczyk & Partners Advocates and Legal Advisers LP
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Aneta ?uradzka, PhD and her labor law team, including Patrycja Kurzaj-Maniakoudakis , Anna Kempny , and Joanna Czajor of KBZ ?uradzki Barczyk & Partners Advocates and Attorneys-at-law LP , for their dedication in a multi-year legal battle that reached the Supreme Court. Ultimately, we secured a victory for our client. The Supreme Court rejected our opponent's cassation complaint, citing numerous omissions and errors.
Therefore, I have titled this post "A Few Words from Sparrow ?wirek on How Not to Draft a Cassation Complaint - A Case Study." I look forward to your likes and, as always, your insightful comments in beautiful and pure Polish.
Everything is possible!
4 周Ale z takim zespo?em nie mo?liwe nie zdoby? zwyci?stwo!;)
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