Sürdürülebilirlik Bülteni

Sürdürülebilirlik Bülteni

Bu bülten, 施耐德电气 'in katk?lar?yla haz?rlanm??t?r.

???? Bugün i? bas?nda sürdürülebilirlik ile ilgili okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

?? Met Office'in verilerine g?re; Birle?ik Krall?k'ta 2023, kay?tlara ge?en en s?cak ikinci y?l oldu. Bilim insanlar?na g?re, küresel ?s?nma olmasayd? bu kadar s?cak bir y?l 500 y?lda bir ya?an?rd?.

?? Türkiye’deki ilk dijital ye?il enerji pazar yeri GreenX, kullan?ma sunuldu.

?? Birle?ik Krall?k i?e al?m uzman? Hays taraf?ndan yay?nlanan yeni bir ara?t?rmaya g?re, artan say?da personel 'ye?il' kariyer de?i?ikliklerini de?erlendirdik?e, gü?lü sürdürülebilirlik taahhütlerinin yeni i?e al?mlar? ?ekmede oynayabilece?i role ili?kin fark?ndal?k da art?yor.

?? Euronews Green’in Avrupa Birli?i ?statistik ofisi Eurostat’tan derledi?i verilere g?re, AB düzeyinde brüt enerji tüketiminde yenilenebilir kaynaklar?n pay? 2022’de yüzde 23’e ula?t?. Bu, yüzde 21,9’unun yenilenebilir kaynaklardan geldi?i 2021 y?l?na g?re bir art??.

?? Potsdam'daki RIFS ara?t?rmac?lar? taraf?ndan yürütülen yeni bir ara?t?rma kapsam?nda kimya ve ?elik endüstrisinden 300 karar vericiyle yap?lan anket, yenilenebilir enerjinin mevcudiyetinin kimya ve ?elik endüstrisinde gelecekteki yat?r?m kararlar? i?in ?nemli bir fakt?r oldu?unu ortaya koyuyor.

?? ?klim de?i?ikli?iyle birlikte artan ortalama s?cakl?klar ve yetersiz ya???lar, di?er Akdeniz ülkelerinde oldu?u gibi, Türkiye’de de zeytin üretimini olumsuz etkiliyor. 1968-2018 y?llar? aras?nda 12 ?ehirde zeytin veriminin nas?l de?i?ti?ini inceleyen yeni bir ara?t?rmaya g?re, son y?llarda ülke genelinde dü?ü? g?zleniyor.

?? Bugün d?? bas?nda sürdürülebilirlik ile ilgili okudu?umuz haber ve makaleler aras?nda ilgimizi en ?ok ?eken i?erikler ??yle:

? As the number of climate disasters increase, more people are being forced to flee their homes, especially in Asia. A record 32.6 million internal displacements were associated with disasters in 2022 — more than the 28.3 million displaced by conflict and violence that same year.

?? Climate change has happened, it was caused by humans, and it’s going to carry on. Mean temperatures have risen, and are going to carry on rising. This means a greater probability of weather extremes.

? Climate change stresses physical and mental health in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands.

?? Carbon dioxide emissions in Germany, Europe's biggest economy, dropped to their lowest level in seven decades as the use of coal declined unexpectedly sharply in 2023 and economic pressures weighed down production by energy-intensive industry, according to a study released Thursday.

??Companies such as Chevron are building technology to capture carbon dioxide from smokestacks while others such as Microsoft Corp. are investing in startups working to yank the greenhouse gas out of the air directly.

?? “If you squint hard enough, an entirely new logistics paradigm is coming into view,” predicted McKinsey in a 2019 report. From warehouse managers wearing augmented reality goggles to autonomous vehicles zipping up and down factory aisles, not to mention inventory being managed in real time, AI-powered automation will be widespread by 2030, says the report.

?? The amount of renewable energy used by EU countries is on the rise, according to a recent report. Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, found that the share of renewable sources in gross energy consumption at the EU level reached 23 per cent in 2022.

?? Azerbaijan’s green transmission plans in the spotlight at COP.

? Navigating authentic commitments in a greenwashing era.

?? Unlocking sustainable water treatment: The potential of piezoelectric-activated persulfate. In a recent study published in the journal Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, scientists from Jinan University discuss a new, eco-friendly way to clean water.


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