This is me. Who are you?
Welcome Back Everyone. I am extremely happy that you all have made it here. We all have our childhood heroes. Mine; just happen, to be in technology and business. I realized today; at this interval. That as much as I have learned from all of my favorite avatars; I am equally learning so much from myself. I guess that; it, is the process. My progress is based on all of these breakthroughs. I am extremely emotional. As you know. I am Traveling the Entire Universe As a Time Traveler Confirmed. I have business meetings. Time with the family. And especially time with all of you here. I have to also be an artist all in between; all together. I am Traveling as we speak. I have a strategy. So. I am of course; going to share it with all of you. My last flight was draining. I was not feeling well. That for me, is once in a life time. I remember as a small child; how much I loved Space Ships and Airplanes of all types. I really admire all of them until this day. My favorite aspects are aerodynamics.
IN all of automotive sports car/ hyper car/ Super Car designs; Me being a small company owner and designer myself. You can see how much aerodynamics play an important and pivotal role in how a vehicle performs both; on the road as a sports car and on a race track. Racing is everything. I have to Agree with Ferrari here; on this one. As I am writing this. I plan to be writing online, as I travel. I plan not to sleep until I am ready for that Delta Sleep. Cabin, rain sounds.
I can't afford to have Jet Lag. You see. My Loved Ones are the reason Why I have to Travel so much; all the time and why I am a non stop working machine. I have no other mission directive. Excellent Customer Service. Excellent products and services. Remember the Golden Rules. Your business/ investment belongs to you but, only up to the point where you say open for business. At that moment. It belongs to your clients. So everything that you do. Personally and in your business; has to be built/ established around those core principles.
Charging all of my gear/ equipment is everything. I own the Technology Company of the Future. This is Future Tech Plus. Everything is Technology. I can't just chill during my flight. Or during my flight times. I have shit to do. I got work to do. I am challenging myself each and every single day. Once all articles are published; then I can look back at the amazing feeling of a great accomplishment. I could complain. I could sit around and think to myself. I wish I had a better computer with a better battery. OR this or That. But; no. I have to work only with Exactly; What God is giving me. No excuses. No Days Off. Hard Work Pays off.
I also do not abuse myself. If I need a brake/ or a pause. I chill. I relax. Once I get that out of my system, then. It's back to work. Why? I thought that you would never ask. Well; its called the concept of time. I could be on an aircraft all day/ everyday and then have to go and perform. Who is going to administrate all of the diversification on all of my portfolios; better than me?
Who is going to manage my Music Career Better ThaN Me?
I am an Artist on Stage. But, I am An Entrepreneur Everywhere Else.
My Entire Business Is My Entire Universe.
My Entire Universe Is Business.
As I am Traveling. I have to go into hardcore business concepts. I also educate online. The markets have opened in Asia Since Yesterday; evening. By the time you read this; tomorrow morning. I will have already placed all of my daily trades; for the day. At times for the week or the month. I will also download all of my favorite shows about the markets/ technology and business. ONe day away from the markets for me; is like an entire lifetime. My life is not perfect; but I would not trade it for anything in the world. The older I get; the more I realize this.
I have all of the superpowers.
I write just like Clark Kent. You KNow That I am SuperMan. I love art and photography Like Peter Parker. I am SpiderMan. As Well As: #VENOM
See What I mean? IN real life. I get to do all the Super Hero Shit. I get to travel the world. Not just as an artist. But as a Super Hero Too. My Super Powers are Being A SErial Entrepreneur.
I am able to teach all of my super human abilities to the entire universe. It's an amazing thing. So everyday for me, is also a learning curve. Traveling like this all the time is not easy. But, I never want to be stuck in an office. It's cool to write on the Beach; like Ian Fleming. Think about it? What's cooler than that?
As I am writing now; I am tiring my brain. This increases my focus. Once I am flying through the Universe I can work. Then, once I am finished; I can just get rest. No valuable time wasted. Remember. ONce I land. It's right back to the physical office and back to work. I am still working all the time. But I am not loosing valuable time, as I travel. Those extra curricular hours dedicated to all of your projects/ investments; pay huge yields. Let's say. IN a normal workweek; you sneak in a few hours each day to get a few things advanced. That's 10 extra hours in a five day work week. If lets say. Every other week; you just sneak in an additional hour; you have just gained an additional thirty hours of excellence/ productivity.
300 In ten months. 360 In one year.
Did not seem like it was much at first; right?
Think about just sneaking in one Business Master Class per year. Or every six months. Then two. Before you know it. You are attending four additional business master classes/ year.
If each one improves your business by 10%.
What kind of return is that on your investment?
What is the Value in that for your business?
See what I mean?
I am using vague examples. But your see; it's so much more than what you can see on the surface. You are not just investing in the business. You are investing in yourself. Also; you are directly and indirectly investing in your way of thinking. The quality of your decisions will only increase; as you continuously sharpen your insights.
Many Entrepreneurs; sadly just go to school and think that they have learned everything. So. They run their businesses/ and their careers as such. So; the results that they get/ obtain are; average at best. It's the business cookie cutter approach. IN order to brake-through; you have to power through. And the best part is that; it starts with upgrading yourself. What makes me a great/ awesome/ Educator is the fact that; I am always working on myself. I don't always get things right/ or perfectly. But I do always give it my best. And I learn through out every single step/ of the process. Makes sense? This is; my direct advice to all of you. I am your Crazy Mentor. We all need one.
Someone has; to step out of the box In Your Universe?
There is a method to the madness.
Who studies the markets, and global trends 365/ every year?
Because I can/ and because I have to. Every moment counts. Every opportunity, is a new opportunity to learn. Therefore. Do your absolute best to learn at every turn. Business is a Le Man's race. Each moving is just as important as every lap. Every race/ every pole position is just as important as the next. Every old situation/ circumstance is equally as important. Your investment is like your baby.
My GrandDaughter Nolany Is Four Months Today.
Hi my baby. This is all for you.
You are my SunShine. You are my inspiration. You are the Love Of My Life and everything I do; is for you.
Ken is left handed. He is faster than Ryu. He can brake his formation and yours. Due to what was perceived as a default/ fault of limitation; is actually his greatest asset. It's his come back; into formation, that you don't Perceive/ expect. He fights; outside the box.
You Understand?
It's the same as basketball athletes that use this speed and efficiency to their advantage. Lets say you are invested in the food business/ or a food franchise. Learning technology is still a great advantage for you. Make sense?
Baby steps; Giant leaps.
Small steps; Big goals.
Small dreams = Huge success.
Even one business/ one investment is enough. Regardless of anything prior; you can all/ always start today.
I believe in you.
And Yes. Sleep is slowly kicking in. Time for my power nap.
Podcast/ Radio Show. Check.
Future Tech/ Plus.
Power Nap, as my Jet is fueling.
Breakfast/ Brunch. More Content Creation.
To my golden chariot.
My Flying Fortress. Honda Jet/ Elite.
I love you all. Thank you for passing by.
You Are My INspiration; here on Linkedin.