RYAF participated in the launch of the Fifth Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation

RYAF participated in the launch of the Fifth Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation

Group photo

December 6, 2024, RYAF Chairperson Sakina Usengimana and CEO RYAF Rwiririza Jean Marie Vianney, participated in the launch of the Fifth Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation (PSTA 5). During the ceremony, RYAF Chairperson delivered remarks emphasizing PSTA 5, essential for the agriculture sector and Rwanda’s youth, who are central to its transformation." PSTA 5 embodies a bold vision recognizing young people’s critical role in driving innovation, resilience, and sustainability in our agri-food systems. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the development of this plan and the recognition of youth as active partners in shaping its implementation. As Rwandan youth, we commit to taking ownership of this strategy and ensuring its goals are translated into tangible outcomes" She outlined three key areas of focus for youth under PSTA5

1. Innovation and Technology: We pledge to leverage our creativity and embrace digital and technological solutions to modernize farming practices and increase productivity. 2. Entrepreneurship and Value Addition: We are committed to creating agribusiness ventures that enhance value addition, promote job creation, and contribute to the growth of Rwanda’s economy. 3. Advocacy and Mobilization: We will actively encourage more young people to engage in agriculture and align our efforts with the priorities outlined in PSTA 5, as we champion inclusivity. In her closing remarks, RYAF Chairperson reaffirms RYAF'S dedication to making PSTA 5 a success. "Together, we can build a vibrant agriculture sector and secure prosperity." She concluded.

The Fifth Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation (PSTA5) is structured around three priority areas and supported by flagship programs that aim to modernize Rwanda's agriculture sector, enhance its resilience to climate change, and drive inclusive, market-oriented growth.

Jean Bernard MUKUNDENTE RYAF Communication Team



