A Rusty Web Assembly Architecture
When I learned Java and Web Applets I could not understand why Applets failed as a technology, and I resented the fact we lost such a useful technology. Eventually I was able to unlearn my emotional attachment to Java Applets through learning Rust and the following video.
While writing Java Applets was very kewl, and a very effective way of sharing stunning GUI code in Web Browsers, it was not the best programming model for Web Applications.
While I can write full-stack code in Javascript and Node.js, and I appreciate this model of staying in a one language paradigm, Node.js is not an ideal model either.
While learning Rust, it felt very retro, very much a blast from the past. Indeed, Rust preserves some really great ideas from the past, but leaves behind some really bad ideas like The Billion Dollar Mistake, exception handling, and to some extent, garbage collection.
Over the last few months I have come to realize the best Architecture of Web Applications currently looks something like:
Rust -> Web Assembly
Where the Back End and Front End can easily share common code, and Web Assembly runs just fine in Docker, Kubernetes, and Web Browsers.
Over the years, I have come to believe that Software Architecture is the art of changing the most expensive things the least frequently, most economically, most effectively. Great architects have a sense of the future based on a knowledge of and a respect for the past. Know when to innovate, when to dominate, and when to appreciate.
Admittedly, this architecture is still a little 'bleeding edge' but day by day it is becoming less so. Will it last forever, probably not, but in terms of investment, it looks like one of the best business investments in Web Applications that can be made today.
Developer Experience
This will not result in the best developer onboarding experience, but will probably result in the best developer long term experience.
User Experience
This will most likely lead to the best user experience and keep improving this experience in terms of:
Investor Experience
If you are investing in technology, or in technology companies, then this architecture is highly recommended as having a potentially higher ROI and a lower TCO.
Further Travels
Here are some more videos that I found on my relearning process.