The Rust Within

The Rust Within

You've been traveling for some time and are looking to landing so you can finally relax. You haven't taken a vacation for, well you can't remember the last time you actually flew on a plane for more than 2 hours.

It was time to get away, the job was beyond demanding. You have been short in respect, love and all other matters as it pertains to life and need a break.

The plane comes in for landing and the runway is close to a port. It's a rather large port which has large ocean going boats. Nothing out of the normal, you've seen ports before, but this time something catches your eye.

You notice all the boats are rusty, the are not clean, but covered in rust."That is odd" you say to yourself. But quickly another thought comes into your mind "FOOD".

The warm humid air hits your face and you breath in relaxation.

Heading to the resort that question of "Why are all the boats rusty?" enters your mind. The question will not leave and lingers until you arrive at the resort.

They welcome you will grand fanfare. Flowers around your neck and a glass of some type of welcome punch, which tastes great.

You have the bell person helping with bags and they bring you to your guest room. They ask, "Is there anything I can help you with on your stay?" You say no, "I'm ok". As they head out the door, you say, "Wait there is one thing." "I noticed there are several boats in fact all the boats in the harbor had rust on them. That seems odd, do you know why?"

Well sir, "The captains of the boats don't want to take the time and the extra effort to prevent the rust. They come back from sea and immediately get off the boat and just want to be done, they resign themselves from keeping the boat up to par, so it can run."

You ask, "Well doesn't the rust eventually take over the boat and it stops running?" "Yes the boat will break down and usually the captain is no where to be found, given he has resigned himself."

You say, thanks and provide them a tip and close the door. "Why would someone do that to a boat which serves them?" You spend a few minutes in deep thought.

"Have I resigned myself from life?" "With all the pressures in life, I've been short with everyone and my life has been built up with rust and I escaped to this beautiful place, but I need to take care of the rust."

You begin to jot down in a journal, "What can I do to take care of my rust in my life?" You know you've missed your workouts, you missed listening to motivational things which lift you up, you checked away from faith and decide to jump back in and the words just pour out.

After the list is complied, you take a deep breathe in and say, "I'm stepping back into my seat of life and ensuring I do what is necessary to prevent the RUST and be a Tide Turner."

This weekend, take inventory of your life and decide to write down "How can I remove the RUST in my life, so I can continue to move ahead."


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