Rust Macros (while Crafting Interpreters)

I have never used Rust extensively. The few times I have tried have ended up in me giving up due to unwinnable fights against the borrow-checker. By the recommendation of a friend I am giving this another shot.

I’m making my way through Robert Nystrom’s Crafting Interpreters as well as doing 2023’s Advent of Code. I am late to the latter but I am enjoying myself regardless. I am using Rust as my language of choice for both endeavors.

I am on the Representing Code chapter of Crafting Interpreters where Robert mentions using a separate tool for generating the classes for various Expression types instead of hand-writing each since they share a tedious amount of boilerplate. Had I been writing this in Go, this is the path I would have followed. However, with Rust, we have the power of macros which presents me with the perfect opportunity to learn how they work.

In Java (which is the language of choice for the first of the two interpreters we write with Robert, in the book), Robert recommends structuring Expressions as subclasses of an abstract Expression class. The following code shows this, along with the Binary class that would extend the abstract Expression class:

package com.craftinginterpreters.lox;

abstract class Expr { 
  static class Binary extends Expr {
    Binary(Expr left, Token operator, Expr right) {
      this.left = left;
      this.operator = operator;
      this.right = right;

    final Expr left;
    final Token operator;
    final Expr right;

  // Other expressions...

Since Rust does not have inheritance, we will need to look to something else. With the help of Github Copilot, I decided to go with using enums representing expressions like so:

use crate::token::Token;

pub enum Expr {

pub struct Binary {
    pub left: Box<Expr>,
    pub operator: Token,
    pub right: Box<Expr>,

impl Binary {
    pub fn new(left: Expr, operator: Token, right: Expr) -> Self {
        Binary {
            left: Box::new(left),
            right: Box::new(right),

But similar to Robert’s approach, instead of writing these out by hand, we shall automate. I’m thinking of a macro which might look like this:

create_expr!(Binary, left: Expr, operator: Token, right: Expr);

Which will, hopefully, result in the definition of the Binary struct as shown above as well as a constructor function. We will define the Expr enum by hand and Token is already available as a type I’ve previously defined.

Note: Our macro accepts two arguments, the first being the name of the expression type and the second being a variadic list of its fields. In the Binary case, Binary is the name of the expression and left, operator and right would be its fields. For a different Expression type, say, Unary this would be create_expr!(Unary, operator: Token, right: Expr);.

Now let’s read up on how macros work in rust. My first stab at it involved this page on the rust-by_example site. While it reads like a perfectly passable statement of facts, I find the language difficult to parse.

When I decided to give learning Rust another go I looked for articles which could explain the magic behind Rust in an intuitive way. One of my first stumbling blocks was the module system and it kept baffling me until I came across this article and the secrets were finally laid bare. Something in it clicked in my head. I recommend reading it if you have a few minutes to spare. It’s not long but very informative.

The tutorial from the LogRocket blog told me that I could use repeating arguments for macros and have repeating blocks of code generated for those arguments. It also reminded me that I can’t write the enum Expr by hand, nor can I do multiple invocations of my create_expr macro with for each of my Expression types. The base enum Expr needs to know all its variants right at the beginning. So taking that into account, I need to reach for something like this:

  Binary, left: Expr, operator: Token, right: Expr;
  Grouping, expression Expr;
  Literal, value: Literal;
  Unary, operator: Token, right Expr;

This is the analog of this block in Robert’s Java code:

defineAst(outputDir, "Expr", Arrays.asList(
  "Binary   : Expr left, Token operator, Expr right",
  "Grouping : Expr expression",
  "Literal  : Object value",
  "Unary    : Token operator, Expr right"

After reading through another article that did not help me much (I find the examples too simplistic), I finally came across A Practical Intro to Macros in Rust 1.0 by Daniel Keep which has just the kind of real-world use case with which I like to learn things, not only because it provides the necessary complexity to dive deeper into a system but also for the personal insights the author has gleamed from having attempted a task.

Side Note: Daniel only has one other article on his blog, Rust Iterator Cheat Sheet which is also a fun read. He seems to be one of those amazing writers who only have the one or two pieces out but from whom you’d wish to read a lot more. I’ve let him know via a Github issue since that’s the only way I could see to reach him. I hope he writes more.

This was the first stab at defining the create_expr macro:

macro_rules! create_expr {
    ($($name:ident, $($field:ident : $typ: ty),+);+) => {

        pub enum Expr {

            pub struct $name {

            impl $name {
                pub fn new() -> Self {
                    $name {
                        $($field: $typ),+

Let’s break this down, more for my own understanding than yours.

We are capturing a repeating list of items, separated by a ;. That looks like $(<something>);+ where <something> can be replaced by one of Rust’s designators. Whatever <something> turns out to be, we want to capture one or more of it, that’s what the + is for (just like in regex!).

Our <something> happens to be $name:ident, $($field:ident : $typ: ty),+. There are two pieces here:

  1. $name:ident
  2. $($field:ident : $typ: ty),+

The first is for capturing our syntax for defining the name of the expression type, while the second is for capturing a list of one or more fields. You’ll notice the second piece also has the form $(<something>),+ but this time with a , separator. And our <something> in this case happens to be $field:ident : $typ: ty which matches syntax of the form left: Expr (for an explanation of what ty and ident mean, I recommend reading through some of the blog posts I’ve already linked).

Trying to compile it, it works!

But trying to use it with an invocation

create_expr!(Binary, left: Expr, operator: Token, right: Expr;
             Grouping, expression: Expr;
             Literal, value: Token;
             Unary, operator: Token, right: Expr

does not work!

error: expected expression, found `Expr`
  --> src/expr/
18 |                       $name {
   |                       ----- while parsing this struct
19 |                           $($field: $typ),+
   |                                     ^^^^ expected expression
27 | / create_expr!(Binary, left: Expr, operator: Token, right: Expr;
28 | |              Grouping, expression: Expr;
29 | |              Literal, value: Token;
30 | |              Unary, operator: Token, right: Expr
31 | |             );
   | |_____________- in this macro invocation
   = note: this error originates in the macro `create_expr` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

I have no idea what I did wrong here. So I will turn to Github Copilot and see if it can help me. Copilot Chat to be specific; it seems to be a version of ChatGPT restricted to answering programming-related questions.

It’s answers pointed out that I had made some glaring initial mistakes. I blame my girlfriend’s vacuuming (that was a joke, don’t @ me, I love her very much).

This is the offending piece of code:

    pub struct $name {

    impl $name {
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            $name {
                $($field: $typ),+

I forgot to use $($field: $typ),+ in the struct definition block and then accept arguments for the new method that are then assigned to the struct declaration, like so:

    pub struct $name {
        $($field: $typ),+

    impl $name {
        pub fn new($($field: $typ),+) -> Self {
            Self {

Oh and I need to call the macro with Boxed Expr types to avoid having to allocate infinite heap ??.

create_expr!(Binary, left: Box<Expr>, operator: Token, right: Box<Expr>;
             Grouping, expression: Box<Expr>;
             Literal, value: Token;
             Unary, operator: Token, right: Box<Expr>

And this finally compiles!

Random Aside: I’ve always struggled with understanding Lifetimes in Rust. However, I recall an evening when a former colleague and I were walking to a guy’s place to play some DnD. We had taken a tram to the nearest tram stop to said guy’s place and were walking from the tram stop to his house. We were both eager and beginner rustaceans and were talking to each other about our own intuitions regarding various Rust systems. Somewhere along that walk I had an epiphany and I felt in my bones that I finally understood Rust’s lifetime system. Too bad I did not immediately make a note because, for the life of me, I cannot recall what the epiphany was and here I am, back to not really understanding Lifetimes.

Now let’s try to run this.

let exp = expr::Unary::new(

println!("Welcome to rlox! {:?}", exp);

And after a generous sprinkling of #[derive(Debug)], it works!

Welcome to rlox! Unary { operator: Token { token_type: Minus, lexeme: "-", line: 1, literal: None, column: 0 }, right: Literal(Literal { value: Number(123.0) }) }

At least for this very contrived, manual invocation. As I continue writing the interpreter, I will no doubt come across some bugs and rough edges. But I am glad I was able to figure this out in Rust’s own style of doing things.

Note: rlox is the name of the first interpreter I’m building, from the book. Robert implements the first in Java and calls it jlox, and the second in C and calls it clox. I will be writing both in Rust, so once I’m done with rlox, I’m not quite sure what to name the second.
Random Aside: I avoided asking Githup Copilot to do all my work for me. I think I could have fed it the macro syntax I wanted to use and the result I was looking for and it would have spat out exactly the macro that I needed. But I feel that would have robbed me of the opportunity to learn how macros in Rust actually work. For example, did you know that unlike, say, C, macros in rust do not expand into text but rather into directly into AST. I feel these are the fascinating tidbits are what you miss unless you do your own research. However, for running through and making sense of error messages, I find it to be the perfect tool.

This post originally appears on my blog:


