#Rust: Day 3 of the 100 Days Challenge
On July 20th, 2024, I started a challenge to master Rust in the next 100 days. My goal is to get really good at Rust so I can contribute to open-source projects in AI, blockchain, and OS development. I have a great project idea that I’m excited to build, and Rust seems like the perfect tool for it.
So far, it's been an exciting ride. I’ve begun learning the basics of Rust, including Rustup, rustc, and #Cargo. Rustup helps me manage different versions of Rust. Rustc is the compiler that turns my code into a program, and Cargo is the tool that handles #project setup, dependencies, and builds. Getting familiar with these tools has already been eye-opening.
I’ve also started understanding some core concepts. I learned about mutable and immutable variables. In Rust, variables are immutable by default, which means they don’t change unless you explicitly allow it. This feature helps ensure that programs are safe and reliable.
Functions, loops, match statements, and the Result type are also important parts of what I’ve learned. Functions in Rust are useful for organizing code. Loops let me repeat tasks, while match statements help handle different conditions in a clear way. The Result type is key for dealing with errors, allowing my programs to handle problems more gracefully.
Right now, I’m focusing on WebAssembly and OS development. WebAssembly is exciting because it lets me build high-performance web apps that run smoothly in browsers. OS development is about understanding and creating the basic systems that run on computers, which is both challenging and rewarding.
This is just the beginning, and I’m excited to see where it leads. By the end of these 100 days, I hope to be skilled enough in Rust to create something truly innovative. I also want to work with top companies in AI, blockchain, and OS development and make a real difference with my work.
Excited for what’s next. Wish me luck!