Russia's Tapioca Starch Trade: Exports and Imports
Russia plays a significant role in the global tapioca starch market, with substantial exports and imports.
Russia’s Tapioca Starch Exports
In 2021, Russia exported a total of $36.6k worth of tapioca starch, making it the 53rd largest global exporter of this product. Among Russia’s most exported goods, tapioca starch ranked 4016th, indicating its relatively modest importance within the country’s overall exports.
Russia's main destinations for tapioca starch exports were Kazakhstan, with imports valued at $17k, followed by Belarus at $15.9k. Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Armenia were also notable importers, with respective imports valued at $3.37k, $68, and $65.
The fastest-growing export markets for Russian tapioca starch between 2020 and 2021 were Belarus, with an impressive growth of $14.4k, followed by Kazakhstan with an increase of $4.12k, and Kyrgyzstan with a growth of $1.96k.
Russia’s Tapioca Starch Imports
In 2021, Russia imported approximately $845k worth of tapioca starch, securing its position as the 49th largest global importer of this product. Tapioca starch ranked 3711th among Russia’s most imported goods, reflecting its moderate importance within the country’s overall imports.
Russia primarily sourced tapioca starch imports from Thailand, with imports valued at $691k, followed by Germany at $68.1k. Vietnam, Brazil, and Poland also emerged as significant import partners, contributing respective values of $38k, $33.5k, and $8.25k.
Between 2020 and 2021, Russia witnessed notable growth in its import market for tapioca starch. Brazil demonstrated the highest growth rate, with an increase of $30k, followed by Poland with an increase of $7.81k. The United States also experienced positive growth during this period, with an increase of $5.65k.
Your Tapioca Starch Source in Russia
Are you in search of a reliable tapioca starch manufacturer and supplier for your needs in Russia? Look no further than NguyenStarch, a leading producer based in Vietnam.
We specialize in providing top-quality tapioca starch, including native tapioca starch, pregelatinized starch, cationic starch, and various modified starches, such as E1420, E1404, E1412, E1413, E1414, E1422, E1450, and E1451.
NguyenStarch - Vietnam Tapioca Starch Manufacturer and Supplier
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