Russian they exist?

Russian they exist?

I treat Russian PE market as a "frontier" one, as I have never seen a worthy Russian limited partner. In speaking with my foreign LPs I usually list the following reasons for the absence of such financial players:

1) The managers of private funds (the rough equivalent of the family offices) are the funds' owners. They are very accomplished people and are convinced of own superior investment skills;

2) No financial institution in Russia worthy of its name would agree to relinquish control over its funds for 5-7 years - irrespective of the PE team's track record; 

3) The PE industry in Russia is still in a nascent state - very few PE teams have successful track record evidenced by exits;

4) PE investments are not listed as acceptable investments for Russian financial institution and pension funds;

5) The general short-termism of Russian investors - any investment lasting over a year is treated as a long-term investment;

6) Russian investors tend to behave rationally and seek to diversify their portfolios - often by investing overseas and not considering their home-based investment opportunities.

I am sure that Russian LPs as a class will eventually emerge. In the meantime we will make spectacular returns for the foreign-based ones


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