Russian Caesar on it's Way
Russia's checkmate in the Maghreb and the MENA region
Moscow has found either way or the other the tools to get its payback and regain important levels of influence and presence in the Maghreb region, especially regarding the countries of Egypt, Algeria and most importantly the war torn Libya, where years ago, it was completely dumbfounded by NATO and bypassed on its veto against the intervention that toppled Gaddafi. Now things look completely different having Vladimir Putin gained important relationships with Mr Al Sisi of Egypt and also with the always exuberant Heftar in Libya, which has been experiencing a never ending war heavily impacting libyan oil producton.Russia's influence in the MENA region increasing
Libya today it's a chaos and this has proven to be a blessing for the intentions of Russia in the MENA region and especially with regards to the reinforcement of energy control of Russia over Europe, if the influence of the Kremlin keeps on expanding and incrementing in this region, since it used to represent an important alternative to the heavy still ongoing dependence of most european countries on russian gas and oil exports, especially the cases of Libya, Algeria and Egypt, the latter with an important increase in its natural gas production and many new discoveries of offshore fields of natural gas like the most recent Zohr discovered by the italian company ENI. Russia rising in Libya
One of the most important geostrategic element of this is the fact that these countries have in many cases been traditional allies of the United States like Egypt and Algeria not so much the case of Libya, which during Gaddafi era was more interested in developing commercial ties with Europe, but in general this was an important area of U.S. geopolitical influence but where now Vladimir Putin administration has leveraged massively on the retreat of the White House of the MENA region altogether, and now after having gained important foothold in Syria and also in Iraq, having developed important ties with Turkey and Iran, the triad of Libya Algeria and Egypt represents the next spot where due to their proximity to Europe, Russia is decidedly to blow its definitive checkmate to the E.U, now under a massive political turmoil and which definitely the thing that needs the less is more turbulence with Russia and less energy control from Moscow. E.U. addiction to Russia's gas exports