Russell Rules by Bill Russell

One of the best leadership books that I have read is Russell Rules- 11 Lessons on Leadership from a Champion. These are his Eleven Lessons. I hope you enjoy.

1.   Curiosity is a key to commitment and specifically to problem solving. Curiosity will always allow you to ask the right questions… why? What if? HOW? 

2.   Everything you do begin with yourself, but for you to use ego to win, you have to make it all about your team. Winning is a team sport and can only be accomplished through team ego. 

3.   Listening lets you hear what is not being said as much as what is. Active listening helps you find a new language that helps other listen more effectively. 

4.   Toughness and tenderness are not opposites but partners in effective leadership. 

5.   Invisibility is learning how to make your opponents believe they can’t beat you even when you are not there. 

6.   Craftsmanship is to you what quality is to your product or service. It involves making yourself the most complete colleague, leader, or parent you can be. 

7.   Personal integrity is about setting standards and your choices, responsibilities, and commitments. 

8.   Rebounding is changing the flow of the game from defense to offense. From reaction to action. It is about developing the highest level of resilience. 

9.   Imagination is the gateway to innovation. Innovation is the foundation of differentiation. Winning is the greatest form of differentiation. 

10. Decision making is for leaders. Decision making is most effective when it is inclusionary, not exclusionary. 

11. Everyone has an opportunity to win in life. Winning is hard work. Winning is a team sport. It is the culmination of attitude, aptitude, and appetite to get better. 



