Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Reminder
Burrows Consulting, LLC
Burrows Consulting: Creating the margin so healthcare organizations can carry out their mission!
The National Association of Rural Health Clinics Research and Education Foundation (NARHC REF) created a Lookup Tool searchable by clinic type, code, and code description.The data portal allows users to monitor changes in the types of codes that RHCs use and respond to changing payment and clinical patterns. Examples include but are not limited to telehealth use, Medicare Annual Wellness Visits, care management, or behavioral health substance use codes.
Medicare & Mental Health Coverage ChangesCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Medicare Learning Network (MLN) here.
REMINDER Organizational Providers: Do you need to Revalidate Medicare Enrollment Record Soon?
Use the Medicare Revalidation List to find out if you need to revalidate your enrollment record. CMS usually posts revalidation due dates 6–7 months in advance, but we’ll establish your date at least 90 days in advance. A due date of “TBD” means that CMS hasn’t set your due date, and you don’t need to do anything now.CMS won’t issue new revalidation due dates for November 2024 – April 2025 and will resume in May 2025.See Revalidations (Renewing Your Enrollment) for more information.
Please contact Melissa Jones, CRHCPRural Health Clinic Senior Associate, Burrows Consulting at [email protected] with any questions.