Rural Bangladesh: A Tale of 12 crore People
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics published a Report on Agricultural and Rural Statistics in May 2019. Considering that 75% population of Bangladesh living in rural areas, it is of immense importance for any business to understand the rural culture, economic activities and the living standards. I have tried to share a glimpse of the survey. For the purpose of formulating a detail strategy, one should analyze the entire report.
In Bangladesh, 75% of the total population live in rural areas which is 12 crore in number; male being 51% and rest female. Agriculture contributes 14% of GDP with 43% labour force being involved in the sector. No. of households (HHs) is 2.75 crore with an average of 4.4 family members/HH. 66% of these HHs are katcha, while 25.5% are semi-pucca. For 86% HH, source of drinking water is tubewell and for 11.5% deep tubewell/shallow. Open defecation is very minimal with only 2.3% HHs, however 26% HHs use katcha toilet, 40% use pit latrine and 32% use sanitary latrine. 82% HHs have access to electricity. 60% HHs use wood/bamboo/jute stick as a source of cooking fuel, while 35% use cow dung/leaves/straw. Gas/LP gas is accessible to only 4.75% HHs. 8.5% people belong to 0-4 yr, 22% belong to 5-14 yr, 6% belong to 15-17 yr, 33% belong to 18-36% yr, 23% belong to 37-59 yr and 8% belong to 60+ yr. Of people over 6+ years, 44% are employed, 30% Student, 19% do household work. Of people over 15+ years, 52% are employed in agriculture, 30% are employed in service and 17% are employed in industry.
What does household construct tell us?
The highest HH size in Bangladesh is in Sylhet followed by Ctg divisions. 27% rural population live in these two divisions. Introducing larger packs may be beneficial in these divisions.
Rajshahi and Khulna divisions have lowest avg. family size while they contribute ~26% of the rural population. Consumption pattern would be different here from Sylhet and Ctg divisions.
Source of drinking water: 97% households use tube well or deep tubewell as the main source of drinking water followed by well (0.83%) and others (1.89%). This is consistent across divisions except in Khulna where 6.3% households use other types of source of drinking water.
Toilet facilities: ~40% households use pit latrine followed by sanitary latrine (32%), katcha latrine (26%) and 2% households do not have any toilet facility, who use open space to serve the purpose. Use of sanitary toilet is highest in Khulna (40%), followed by Sylhet (37%) and Barishal (36.5%). Lowest sanitary toilet is in Mymensingh (20%) followed by Rangpur (25%).
Access to electricity/solar energy: Electricity and solar energy put together 90% HHs have access to electricity. Only Mymensingh and Rangpur are below average 84% and 77% respectively. Therefore, media communication in rural areas are as effective as in urban areas.
Source of cooking fuel used: Gas/LP gas is used by only 4.75% HHs with the highest being Dhaka Division 10.5% followed by Ctg 8.75%. Less than 2% HHs use gas/LP gas in other divisions. ~94% HHs use wood/bamboo/jute/cow-dung/straw nationally. Different type of dishwashing material may be required to clean the cooking accessories to serve this 94% rural HHs.
Religion: 90% HHs are Muslim while only 8.9% are Hindu and the rest 1% are Christian, Buddhist and others. Division wise variation in rural exists but too insignificant to impact. Muslim insight is relevant for Bangladesh.
Age group: Rural population is younger. About one-third rural population belong to 18-36 years. 23% belong to 37-59 class and 22% belong to 5-14year class.
Level of education: 24% population over 6 years has no population with 36% population having an education qualification of 36%. Easier communication may help rural consumers understand product efficacy easily.
4 年Tnx a lot sir for this important information