Rupture Zones
From the moment we have contact with a new day we begin to interact with the environment and the Group of people and things that surround us. Sounds the alarm clock and our first emotion arises and is regularly directed towards a rupture zone. But what is the meaning of rupture zone? let me give you more details, regularly human beings in each of our interactions can react in 2 directions, the first and most effective will be the area of collaboration, and the second and that is totally ineffective will be the rupture zone. I will describe both definitions.
Area of Collaboration is the management effectiveness of my emotions (use of reason) to face a situation, when I speak of effectiveness I mean that this interaction will give me the opportunity to generate connections of value that will help me to build or add to my objectives, goals or intentions I have under my responsibility, in addition, and in the same way, help the collaborators with whom I make a connection to add to their objectives.
Rupture Zone is when I handle my emotions in an uncontrolled manner when I waste the opportunity that gives me the environment to connect with the various actors and situations. Here everything is disconnected, and the main victim is the trust between myself and what surrounds me.
From the beginning of the day, we have the opportunity to connect, but suddenly arises our first area of rupture and this is cursing the alarm clock, the alarm clock is not considered a risk, will not have the capacity or is designed to respond to curses, but from that moment a predisposition is installed to continue causing large-scale rupture zones, why is the coffee maker not ready? I am already tired of breakfast the same, etc. Arriving at the office or work you can already imagine how this chain continues.
It is crucial to make self-conscious of our actions, to understand the value that adds to interaction in the area of collaboration, remember that here is where effective communication emerges, and connections are optimized.
It is important to clarify that the rupture zone not only is caused by behavior or leadership styles but processes poorly designed or installed with deficiencies also become zones of rupture too.
Example: We quote a candidate for a job interview since he arrives at the facility is treated with indifference by the receptionist (first rupture zone), he expects for hours (rupture zone), the waiting place is uncomfortable and lacks basic services such as access to water, bathrooms, air conditioning (third rupture zone), but like this, there are a number of situations where you expose brutal rupture zones, other situations would be our first day at work, transportation, food or poor medical services, etc.
In summary, the rupture zones cause disenchantment and a lack of commitment from the employee. So, we often wonder why people don't want to work with us?, why do people quit?, and Why do people disagree and are not committed?
My recommendation goes in the direction of promoting incessantly areas of collaboration that help us to connect, on the other hand, we should be extremely critical to detect rupture areas and develop a strategy that achieved the conversion to collaboration.
In the end, we will be able to find the reasons for our disconnection with our bosses, collaborators, clients, colleagues, candidates, and community and hence detach effective improvement measures.
I hope that you enjoyed this reading and move to action as soon as you can. Let's not lose the connection and remember that I am at your orders in my email or directly by telephone.
See you very soon.
Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco
Cel 6562375686