The Runway To A $30k+ P/M Online Consulting Business
Karita Beard
Building lucrative 20hr/wk consulting businesses | GENIUS framework ? Signature OFFER ? Workshop Acquisition SYSTEM to turn LinkedIn connections into clients in 50 days | Get the FREE TRAINING??
Happy New Year peeps!
One of the best things I did in 2023 was to set my intentions.
If there was one piece of advice I’d give you for 2024 and that is to do the same for yourself.
But I warn you, it’s one thing stating them it’s another to commit and act on them. My intentions are a bullet-point summary of my vision, mission, what I want to create, where I’m going, and what I plan to do to get there.
It also details what I will and won’t accept in myself, in my business, and in others.
This has created a huge shift for my energy, focus, and delivery. It’s like I’ve made a declaration and commitment to the universe and there’s no going back.
At first it was a little scary. And if I’m honest I’d say that I didn’t go ‘all in’ immediately. It’s actually taken me a while to embed this new way of being, operating, behaving, like wearing in a new pair of shoes.
But if you’re getting 1% better every day, I reckon that’s pretty OK, right?
Now, I’m not scared at all. Just SUPER excited and looking forward to continually closing the gap nearer to 100% over the coming weeks.
One thing I witnessed very quickly after stating my intentions back in July was how quickly things started to shift and make way for new opportunities to come forward. It took me by surprise.
But the runway to a $30k+ p/m consulting/coaching business is crystal clear and VERY straightforward.
Here’s how we’ll do it...
The Zone
Transform your genius expertise into a 24/7 client acquisition system that sells your services for you, and generates your first or next LinkedIn client in the next 30 days.
And then over the following 12 months, I’ll equip you with the tools and strategies to become ‘boundless’ growing to consistent $30k+ months, doing the work you love in 20 hours a week.
Without cold calls, social hustle, missing out on family time, or complex strategies.
Community = $100 p/w - 20 spots
Private = $500 p/w - 10 spots
Everything is in place and in motion to make these targets a reality, when I reach them who knows, but the journey to get there is going to be a blast!
Every person in my world is impacted by my intentions.
For the better.
And if nothing else it’s a continual kick up the arse to keep moving forward even when those pesky obstacles get in your way!
Here's to 2024 being your best in business yet!
Karita 'Intentions' Beard
If you'd like the full details of The Zone drop me a DM saying ZONE and I'll send them over.