Running Your Own Business is The Best Game in Town
"Running a successful business will change your life." Robert James

Running Your Own Business is The Best Game in Town

There is no doubt that running your own business is absolutely the best game in town.

There is no other game that can give you as much fun, excitement, opportunity, and reward!

Running a successful business will change your life.


It will require you to:

  • Decide where you want to go.
  • Venture out of your comfort zones.
  • Have a willingness to learn new things.
  • Be disciplined and stick to these proven systems.
  • Be willing to ask for help and accept it along the way.
  • And, most importantly, take constant action.


Most people are averse to taking risks. This is why making the decision can be the hardest step.


Your own self-doubt may get it the way. Family and friends may even be “warning” you to be very careful.

The news constantly covers only the bad news about businesses failing. With all of this in mind, being fearful is an understandable way to feel.


For many it is difficult to make that decisions on long-term goals because of the constant fear of failure. But doing nothing is the biggest failure of all.


If you have always dreamed of being your own boss, then decide to live your dream. 

If you love dogs, gardening, yoga, or hairdressing and you love giving great service, then you are on the right track.

You just have to decide that you want to have a successful business and then do it—make your dream come true. No one is going to do this for you!

There will be personal comfort zones that you will have to get through. 

I know I been uncomfortable with something for most of my business life. Every time you try something new, it will feel uncomfortable. Once you get beyond these comfort zones you will also achieve your greatest life victories.


If you want to be successful in your business, you must be willing to learn. 

This is can be difficult for many people. I have seen many business owners so worried that they aren’t smart enough to learn. This can go back to their schooling history or the conditioning from society or family.


If you are told something enough times, you may actually start to believe it. You have to open yourself up to learning and challenge the belief that “You should know anything.”

You have to be first open to the learning and use that education to build your personal confidence.


It will take true discipline to stick to these proven systems.

All professionals learn to stick to their systems especially under pressure. To make the transition to professional business owner you do have to make sure you to stick to these systems.

The systems have been proven, they work in the market place. Don’t second guess them, just do it and watch the results.


Learning to ask for help may sound a bit new age?

You may even think of it as a sign of weakness. I believe the opposite is the true. A pragmatic business owner knows that to deal with a problem as quickly as possible can oftentimes require the help of others.

I have had a mentor, a presenting coach, a long-term business coach, a writing coach, and even a digital marketing coach throughout my career.

I understand my world is changing and I have to evolve to keep up with the changes. If you reach out and learn from the right people, you can learn anything you require.

I believe you will be surprised yourself, if you have the willingness to ask for help.


But most importantly you absolutely must take consistent action. 

It has to be consistent with the systems that are leading towards your final business. Get up each day, go to work and do what you are supposed to be doing. Just be careful not to “out-think” yourself—it is more common than you think …



I used to coach a fella named Bob. 

Bob was a great carpet cleaner and pest control operator. He had a long career as a military serviceman—after 20 years in the air force, he made the move to get out and started his own business.


His business was very up and down. It went from great weekly turnover to low turnover which was totally freaking Bob out. He had had a consistent income for 20 years and now he had no idea what his income would be next week.


Bob was very worried. When I say worried, I mean 24/7 worried. Even when he had a big week, he was already worried about next week because it was “certainly going to be less.”

He took worrying to the next level. 

He had built his own spreadsheet that tracked just how inconsistent his turnover income was. I spent hours studying his spreadsheet. Then he would invest hours in worrying about his next week turnover.


When I sat down to do the business coaching with Bob, he told me what he thought his problem was. He pointed out all the above. He clearly believed that his inconsistent income was the problem.

I asked a simply question.

“What are you doing about it?”

Bob’s answer?  He pointed to his spreadsheet then said,

“I’m worrying about it!” 

He was worrying so much that he couldn’t sleep at night, he would lay in bed for hours worrying about next week’s income. He spent weekends studying his perfectly neat, up-to-date spreadsheets trying to predict “How bad next week was going to be!”


Bob was putting an awful lot of energy into worrying about what was wrong with his business. He was making himself busy, but he wasn’t taking action that would lead towards the long-term business goals.


Worrying is NOT action, it is a negative thought which led Bob to take avoidance action. This was a life habit of Bob, to quote him “I’m a worrier, always have been.”


My advice to Bob was to stop wasting his life worrying and to focus instead on his systems. He needed to take action and do what he was required to do to build his business.


Simply put, he had to do Step #1 every day, Market his business daily.

He was ignoring the first step and replacing it with his own “worrying systems” that did nothing but undermine his success. Bob stopped worrying, (I gave him two weeks leave from worrying, he thought he could do without worrying for a couple weeks) and he took action.


He followed our systems and did Step #1—Marketing every day and it worked! 

It was a turning point for Bob in his business and in his life.

He decided that he could take permanent leave from worrying and replace it with a new habit of taking positive action. He lived the dream, he became a very successful business owner.


There is no doubt running your own business is absolutely the best game in town.


Running a successful business will change your life.

You can do this, so do it.


The dream is yours, you are the one who can make it a reality. Now go make it happen … develop the business of your dreams!




