Running VM in container, and then container in VM ...
Everyone of us.. (okay fine, most of us) have seen inception movie, you know dreams in dreams in dream. How how about container in vm in container in vm .. and so on? Would this even work? How much feasible this thought can be?
Since, we can run virtualization in ubuntu, which is essentially linux. So i guess this is possible. Now the question is how to run vm in container.. no no no i can't think about virtual box or vmware kind of thing.. i want something quite native to linux, something which utilizes existing kernel implementations like scheduler or memory management. Yes, after a couple of google hits you will find "kvm"
How kvm works?
In short, KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine) is a virtualization solution for linux as part of linux kernel itself (since 2006).
It uses various kernel modules like (kvm.ko and kvm-intel.ko or kvm-amd.ko etc etc, which helps to modify kernel functionality just by loading and unloading). Read more about kvm here
(image taken from
VM in container
So if we need to run kvm in container what we need? If you are familier with what cgroups and namespaces are, then you know that you need to put limits on what devices the container can use.
That points me that i would need "devices" cgroup of kernel. You may read more about that here
The very first requirement is to have hardware of x86 hardware with intel or amd processor. Well thats what kvm is built for.
And if you have that, you need to run a container that has kvm loaded. A good shortcut to go for is
docker run --privileged --net=host -it ulexus/qemu bash
Go into running container and run below and if you see something around kvm, you are good to go
$ lsmod | grep kvm
Then you might want to install a few tools that gives you handy commands to start or stop vm
$ apt-get -y install wget qemu-kvm libvirt-bin virtinst bridge-utils cpu-checker
And verify kvm installation
$ kvm-ok INFO: /dev/kvm exists KVM acceleration can be used
You would need an iso to start vm. Let's download that first.
$ wget
Behind the scene
what is happening behind the scene
Start a vm
Let's use virt-installl to start a vm with the iso just downloaded
$ virt-install --memory=512 --vcpus=2 --cpu=host --name=alpinevm \ --cdrom=alpine-virt-3.12.0-x86\_64.iso \ --os-variant=alpinelinux3.12 \ --disk size=10
Exec into vm
Let's use virsh to connect inside the vm.
$ virsh connect alpinevm
Recursive work
Now as you have vm running, you may install docker again and then start the container and repeat the work untill you feel okay you can come back to original host.
Cleaning up.
Most of the cleanup you can do, but for removing vms started via kvm, there m
$ virsh shutdown alpinevm $ virsh destroy alpinevm $ # other docker stop/rm
Technology Management & Infrastructure Architecture
1 年Airship also does something similar - right? But instead of just KVM, it containerizes Openstack... Still baffled by the utter need though, outside of the TELCO, Mobile providers' need for 5G and exxotic infrastructure rapid provisioning.