Running the projects
To begin with the definition, project management is identified as the planning and organization of the work that a project involves, including deciding how much money and time and how many people are needed. Basically, it is true, however here I want to go deeper to what it really requires.
Project Management Institute (PMI) states that there are certain skills project managers should have to increase the success rate of the project. Those skills are connected to leadership, management expertise and technical abilities. Having managed national and international projects of different kind for over 8 years I certainly have something to add to that list.
First of all, let’s break the stereotype some companies still have. Experienced project manager does not necessary represent the field of expertise of the project. I mean that IT project can be managed by not non-programmer! It is often even better that in the case of IT project, you use the skills of real programmers for the job they are great in. It is important, though, that project manager takes time to understand what is going on in the field. I successfully managed projects in business development/internationalisation, tourism, forestry and education with help of great experts. Some fields are more familiar to me than others, that is ok, some cases need more attention and preparation. In addition, sometimes when you are not the "insider" you question and innovate more.
While managing especially international projects (Ok, ok, especially Russian ones??) I came into conclusion that adaptability as one of the most important personality traits. Project manager should understand that he/she should be able to adapt to the new circumstances and change the direction even if it demands huge changes. I saw some managers panicking because of everything going the opposite direction that they have planned. I understand it and at the same time I remind that it was just the first version of your plan. Project management requires flexibility and agileness. He/she sticks to the plan but listens to the partners and clients.
In perfect world the project goes smoothly and exactly as planned. Then you woke up. Project manager masters risk management. He/she communicates with partners and understands the cultural differences and take them into consideration while predicting risks. Project manager questions and thinks critical.
As all the experts, also project managers are never ready. This what I like about it the most.