Is Running for Office Right for You?

Is Running for Office Right for You?

With inflation at a high and critical race theory taking over schools all over the country, it is hard to sit by and do nothing about it. And why wouldn’t you? You are a hard-working, red blooded conservative who loves your country. There is no better way to get involved to save your country than running for political office. Candidates from school board all the way up to president have the ability to make lives better and solve the pressing issues of our time. But is it the right decision for you?

Here are some things to think about before you decide to put your name on the ballot:

  1. Do you know why you are running? If you cannot nail down a concrete reason why you are running, you might want to think about other ways to get involved OR spend time thinking about where you stand on the issues. If you are running for local office, your reason for running should reflect local issues, not just “I don’t like the direction our country is going in.” All politics is local and if a voter can’t tell why you want to represent them, they’re going to struggle to vote for you on Election Day.
  2. Are you ready to work a second job? Campaigning is a full-time job. You need to dedicate at least 20-40 hours a week to your campaign including nights and weekends. When you get home from your job you need to be calling, canvassing, and attending events. On the weekend, you should be knocking as many doors as you can to get in front of as many voters as possible to spread your important message. If you are not in a place where you are able to do this, running for office might not be right for you.
  3. How will you react to being attacked? Campaigns can be cutthroat. Your opponent will do the best they can to cut you down in the eyes of voters. Your name could be dragged through the mud and all your flaws exposed (but you know this already based on elections recently). This does not always happen, but it is something to keep in mind when deciding to run. If you can keep a level head and properly fend off these attacks, you will have the best chance to succeed on Election Day.

There is no higher civic duty than running for elected office. Candidates all across the country at all levels are needed to preserve our conservative way of life. Is running for office right for you? We sure hope so because we shudder to think what would happen if Democrats were able to gain power all across our country.

Need help deciding if it is right for you? Take the quiz!

When you determine you have what it takes to run, call or email our team so we can help you cross the finish line on Election Day.


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