Running a marathon is like running a start-up

While running in the 2019 Pittsburgh Marathon I realized how very similar the race was to my real life, although I have completed 18 marathons, this is my first run as the CEO of a technology start up. 

Here is how I compare them.

The goal for both is to get to the finish line as fast as you can!

When you are at the starting point there is so much excitement and enthusiasm you are surrounded by cheers and good luck wishes. Then the race begins, continued cheers and shouts of encouragement as you head out full of vigor and promise.

Somewhere around the middle of your race the crowds thin and the realization of what you are attempting sets in along with the pain, your pace begins to slow and doubt begins to settle in. You are struggling and begin to think about why you set out to do this in the first place, “what were you thinking!!” Your mind begins to mess with you, your no elite runner, you are just average, why not quit, your only at mile 15 you still have 11.2 miles to go.

As the pain and fatigue worsens you begin to look for the "angel” volunteers located along the course who offer nourishment and encouragement, you present yourself and are given food and water to fuel your body. Your spirits lift and you again set your sights on the finish line.

A few more miles, nourishment depleted from all the effort you are putting into finishing  this grueling race, you need another dose of nourishment,  however now many of the angel stations are out of the bananas and oranges, which will help you get to the next milestone.  They have been scooped up by faster runners.

You are now running on empty, you want to quit, you are completely without any fuel, the pain worsens with each step. The race becomes extremely difficult, every fiber in your body is telling you to quit you’re not going to make it.

This is when the mind over matter begins, you think about the all the time you have spent to get where you are, the team of friends and family who believed in your dream and supported you. You then remember the dream in your heart and you tell yourself you MUST keep going, quitting is not an option!!! You take a deep breath, put your head down and will your body to put one foot in front of the other…. you do this for the next 3 miles. As the finish line gets closer the crowds grow larger the cheers are back shouts of “you made it…congratulations come from everywhere. You muster up any extra once of energy as you see the finish line, what a beautiful sight, you are there you are going to finish!!!

Crossing the finish line euphoria sets in, as the medal is placed around your neck you now know that there is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you stay on course, keep visualizing reaching your goal and NEVER give up!

You look around and everyone is so happy for you, pats on the back followed by great job! There are tables of fruit, drinks, and food, all the agonizing journey feels worth it. Although I am still running the race I know what the finish feels like and look forward to getting there.


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