Running with Humility
It’s so easy to talk a good game.Spouting out the affirmations and broadcasting your good intentions makes a Belief Bullet Proof Vest.
Talk is cheap and always gets you another stint in rehab.Setting your intentions and talking about it will not get your ass up the hill.
Talking is just good for …. talking.
It does elevate that sense of procrastination just a little.
You need laser sharp focus, strength, determination and courage to get your ass up that hill. It is only through ACTION that you can master the confidence in your anti-fragile self.
Your heart rate monitor and garmin will tell you your physiology, biology pace, distance and speed. These gadgets don’t tell you WHO YOU ARE!
DP and me were sharing few early morning miles with the legendary run over to Kata and back. We had to make a quick adjustment as a head cold was pushing DP’s heart rate and exertion level up into the combustable lightning bolt zone.
For those of you keeping score at home – he was going to blow up!
You need to have the flexibility to honestly say TODAY I need to make some adjustments.
Rigidity and the EITHER/ OR mindset is a one way ticket to a few blisters. Hasn't black and white always allowed you to achieve your goals?
Flexibility encourages inspiration, hope and confidence.
Altering the route we made our way back down from Kata lookout and decided to adjust the route and still get in some hard fought miles.
On our altered route we ran past a taxi with its phone on its roof. Waiting in a driveway for us to run past, was a taxi, and DP yelled to the guy ” Your Phone is on the roof of the car”
The taxi didnt hear him and was ready to bolt out of the driveway.
What would you Do?
a) You told him about the phone ……end of MY responsibility.
b)ME CENTERED – keep running not my problem I need to focus on my training and stay in “the zone” so I have a great STRATA POST.
c) There comes a point when you are squeezed and you just want to get your ass home.
D) WE CENTERED jam on the brakes and run back to the taxi and grab the phone off his roof for him.
We are all in this together and all it takes is one little ripple to make one heck of a difference
It was never about the Taxi driver and the phone or that you had to alter the planned route………
How do you Honour Yourself?