Running GUI Applications Such as Firefox And Jupyter NoteBook On top of Docker CentOS Instance.
Ranjit Panda

Running GUI Applications Such as Firefox And Jupyter NoteBook On top of Docker CentOS Instance.

Steps To Complete:

1. First we will install Docker on top of REHL 8.

2. Then We will pull centos latest image with the docker command.

3. Now we have to install firefox using yum.

4. We will set host network and environment variables for our docker instance.

Let's jump to the practical:

  • Installation Of Docker in RHEL 8.

To install Docker please follow This Link.

  • Now we will pull the centos image from the docker hub.
docker pull centos
  • We will run the container and will set environment variables as well.
docker run -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --name LW_Task centos

Here we are setting env to display so that GUI applications can open in display mode. And we will use our host system for networking so set net to host.

  • Then install python3 and jupyter notebook and firefox browser.
yum install python3 firefox

pip3 install jupyter

Now start jupyter notebook, which will by default open in firefox browser.\

Let's have the screenshots of the results.

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No alt text provided for this image
No alt text provided for this image
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