Running on fumes
Darren Putt
Coaching Business Owners 1:1 to transform their health & lifestyle by building a lean, fit, strong body, by protecting their long-term health and optimising energy levels on a day-to-day basis.
As we enter the final weeks of 2024, it’s clear to me that many people are running on fumes:
We’ve been to two school carol services in the last week or so and even those usually jolly affairs were a bit subdued…
I think many people are exhausted and can’t wait for a bit of a rest
It’s been a hard year in many ways and it’s showing
I don’t know about you but I feel there’s been an existential drain on our energy going on since all the Covid shenanigans began and that’s never really gone away?
People’s health has certainly suffered: more coughs/colds/flu’s/corona’s, people struggling to shake things off and then you look at the stats on heart attacks and cancers…
This year you can add to that the drama of a couple of major elections, the ongoing fallout from all of that, plus the various conflicts around the world
Even if you’ve not been directly or majorly impacted, it's there in the background and if effects us all?
And it all adds up to many people being on the verge of burning out
They might sound OK, they might pretend it’s all OK…but look a bit closer, listen a bit more carefully
And you’ll find they might be on the brink - perhaps you are too?
You know what?? If nothing changes next year then many people are going to fully burnout
The danger is - and you see this every year - people take a break over Christmas, forget about it all for a while, think it will be OK again
But it only takes a couple of weeks of getting back to normal and the feeling will be back
Working from holiday to holiday in “survival mode” is no way to live and sooner or later it will result in a bigger consequence:
> You can’t lead people properly like this
> You can’t run a business properly like this
> You can’t be a good husband, wife or partner like this
> You can’t be a good parent like this
> You can’t perform at your best in any area of life
Something has to change.
I don’t necessarily mean you need to torch your business, quit your job, get divorced or put the kids up for adoption by the way - I’m going to assume you still want these things in your life?!
What CAN change is your CAPACITY to deal with them
What CAN change is how you RESPOND to all the challenges you face
The biggest factor that determines your capacity?
You guessed it.
So if you’re feeling like you’re on the verge of burnout perhaps it’s time to make a plan to increase your capacity and take better care of your health:
If you already have a plan, but still feel like you’re on the verge of burnout, it’s time to ask yourself “is it working?”
Who do you know who needs to read this?? Please forward it on.
Change Your Perspective.? A bit more nuanced than “think positively” but training yourself to see the opportunities in a challenge or setback is a game-changer.? The easiest way to shift your mindset?? Exercise.
"Give up on the delusion that burnout is the inevitable cost of success”
Arianna Huffington
We’re holding our first Retreat next year in The Cotswolds - if you’d like more information please reply or comment “Retreat”