Running Facts

Running Facts

  1. Runners become injured when they exceed their tissue capacity to tolerate load
  2. A runner needs to be strong enough to manage the load experienced when running.
  3. Strength and conditioning in runners may improve load tolerance, improve performance and reduce risk of injury
  4. Running should be stopped when it may have long term negative effect on recovery. The length of the time out from running should be kept minimum
  5. Use the 24 hour pattern to monitor the runners reaction to load. If the pain does not reduce then reduce the running volume
  6. Running retraining should start simple and expand over a period of time. Make small gradual adjustments, avoid sudden large changes
  7. Changes to running technique do not need to be permanent. A temporary change in style may let symptoms settle and allow continued running
  8. Running shoes are less important than load management and biomechanics


