Running on Empty? Tap into Your Fuel Stations
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Running on Empty? Tap into Your Fuel Stations

Have you lost your spark? Are you feeling depleted? Many are looking for something to fill them up, and this week on Career Episodes for Women That Work, I’m discussing how to tap into your fuel stations.

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With huge demands on our time, from our family to work to our community and friends. We tend to say “yes” to so many things. (If you need to get better at aligning your yeses, make sure you go back and listen to Episode 2.

Are you giving away too much of your energy with our yeses? Listen in to Episode 19: Feeling Depleted? Tap into Your Fuel Stations with timestamps below:

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4:40 – What do you look forward to doing??

What are you excited to do? What do you love doing where, when you're in it, you lose track of time?

7:58 – Maybe you don’t know where your fuel stations are.

For those of you who are moving along your career and your life, and you don't have that spark, I’m willing to bet it’s because you don't know exactly where your fuel stations are. So this week, I want you to make time to sit down and ask yourself:

  • What inspires me?
  • What excites me?
  • What fills me up?

8:56 – Have your fuel stations changed?

Do you need to find new ones? I'm encouraging you to figure this out because you owe it to yourself to fill yourself up; you can only be as impactful and powerful as you are whole. For many of us that involve digging through your old stories, working through lifetime trauma, removing the guilt, and lightening your load.

10:00 – Are you sidestepping the things that are important to you?

Recently, many tell me they feel like they have completely sidestepped the things that are important to them and that empower them. Or they’ve squeezed those things down to such a small part of their schedule that they're really not getting the benefits of their fuel stations. Let me reassure you, the world needs more of your natural gifts, and oftentimes, the things you're doing off the side of your desk is the work the world really needs. So whether you're knitting, creating artwork, building a new business, or planning trips for your friends—whatever it is for you, the world needs more of it.?

11:44 – What are the gifts you haven’t tapped into?

What are things that you haven't done because your schedule has gotten in the way? I am here to encourage you to pull those gifts back out, dust them off, and start sharing them. Your gifts do not need any additional training; your gifts are perfectly orchestrated for how you're supposed to share them with the world. And in sharing those gifts, whether it's with your neighbors, your community, the people at work, people online—the energy you receive from that will fill you up. You will be more impactful in everything you decide to do because you are fueling your soul.?

13:30 – Carve out time to reach your fuel stations.?

This is the time to make your fuel stations a priority. You cannot continue to run on empty. If your choices have drained you to the point of exhaustion, start small. I put things in my calendar that I will not dismiss until they are done.

14:02 – Find a supportive community.

Sometimes we've drained ourselves so much that we don't even have the internal strength or momentum to really get realigned with the work we're really supposed to be doing, so if you need the additional help and want to talk this out, you can always reach out to me. I'm also putting together a community of women online, where we can meet on a more regular basis to encourage and connect with people that can help us dig deep, let go of the guilt, and really get into a more enlightened space that allows us to share our gifts with the world.

We need more women at more tables, sharing more of their gifts in the office, in their lives, and in their communities. So be sure to share this with women that need it because we need all of us to elevate the frequency of the planet.?

Tune in next time and make sure you connect with me on Instagram – @JJDigeronimo

  • Episode 3: Leaping from Impostor Syndrome to More Self-Efficacy
  • Episode 4: 5 Things You Need to Know to Get Promoted Beyond Good Work?*Includes Worksheet*
  • Episode 5: Do You Give Your Power Away at Work??*Includes Questions for Groups*

Full List:

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