Running Empty Part 2

Running Empty Part 2

I have wrestled with this and have come to the conclusion that the previous article needs a part two for it to be truly helpful, I’ll get right to it and not belabor the intro like the previous article, but I must say locking myself to 3 points led us down the path of uncertainty and people pleasing, hence the incongruence with what I meant to say, at least it did not create an antithesis… Heheeee this is me trying to use all the big words I learned last month listening to Jordan Peterson’s podcast on Exodus by the Daily Wire show, that thing is fire, it like a brain massage but with a blow torch. Remind me not to become a villain, mna weza kuwa tortured design hamja wahi ona.

Again we get lost in an introduction rabbit hole, but we are out and here are the pointers that necessitated this encore, remember that Linkin park & Jay-Z Jam, “encore”. Whatever happened to Rock Music anyway?

  1. Pointer numero uno – Mindfulness. This can be described as the state of being aware / alert to the present. What does that have to do with getting things done when running on fumes? Good question glad you asked. If you are like me, your mind is constantly on overdrive, sifting through thoughts, scenarios, situations and all sorts of things at such an incredible speed that sometimes, I pick my phone to do something and end up doing something else forgetting why picked it up in the first place. You can see how this can be problematic if you want to get a lot of things done, worse still you don’t have the physical or mental psyche to do stuff. By deliberately performing mindful meditations 2 – 3 times a day am able to focus much better, quiet all the noise in my mind and get things done. If you have not unlocked this new level in the game of life, you are in for a treat, watch some YouTube videos on Mindfulness and download the healthy mind app. Thank me later, hopefully by donating your unused clothes to a children’s home near you, if you live in Runda and don’t have one close by get in touch I’ll hook you up.

  1. Writing down all your thoughts on a paper, and I mean all your thoughts, you will be surprised that all those thoughts rushing through your mind, giving you sleepless nights, anxiety and panic attacks can’t fill an A4 piece paper. You don’t believe me? Pause reading get a pen and paper and write down all the thoughts constantly in your head. I tried this and could not believe it, I was so frustrated by this realization that I almost lost it. One thing that I took out from that experience was the emptiness that remained afterwards, it was so peaceful and foreign that it felt wrong. By emptying your mind you realize that these are just thought and the reality is far much more different, not to get ahead of myself but this is exactly the 3rd point.

  1. Aligning reality with thoughts. After the great emptiness and realization that thoughts that were making my world seem like its coming to end did not even fill an A4 piece of paper I asked the question, if those are just thoughts then what is reality? Instead of having all these thoughts in my head running loose, I considered what is actually happening every minute, hour and day and the effect my response is having on what is real. I forgot all the expectations I have for myself, the future and settled into the now. What is happening now? What am I doing now? What could I be doing now? Friends this has been one of the most liberating epiphanies I have ever had. Not living in the future, not having expectations or building castles in the air, just being present and living in the now. Take this article for example, my hands are doing all the talking am not even thinking about what am typing, it’s all happening in the now, real and raw as the fingers hit the keyboard. I don’t even know what the next point will be, but it will reveal itself when the now comes.

  1. I feel like four pointers are one too many, hence I’ll combine two ideas into one, being grateful and identifying the auto pilot program running your day. I alluded to this yesterday, our experiences create stories that enable us cope with our day to day activities, these stories then create programs like Ms Word or Power Point in our brains, that are triggered and run automatically based on what you are facing at any given point in time. If you are not careful you might unknowingly engage an unwanted auto pilot mode that does not serve your purpose. Let me share an example, have you ever done something and later wondered why you did it, that was most certainly me, I did not even want to do that thing. There you have it, your brain launched and executed a program that you did not even know existed. take time to understand what auto pilot programs you engage in various scenarios and see how best to rewrite them or create new programs that will help you achieve what you want and in doing so remain grateful to all the nuances of life since all these experiences shape who we are and who are becoming.

Hope this 2 part series has been of great help to you. I will most certainly get back to it from time to time to remind myself on how to continue living when am running on fumes.

Here is the link to the first article

Till we meet again, live long and prosper remember nothing is guaranteed and take no prisoners in the court of thoughts.


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