Running on Empty

Running on Empty

Been going too hard for too long? If you are feeling as flat and depleted as the non-Energizer bunny, now is the time to get extremely serious about self-care. When feeling physically and mentally fatigued, some of the most effective ways to help restore your health are extremely simple. You may however have to break some old habits, set some big boundaries and place taking care of yourself to the top of your to-do list.


When animals are run-down they rest. When humans are run-down we tend to completely ignore our animal instincts, so we can push on with work, study, training for that half-marathon and all those other things which seem incredibly important. When we continually put rest last, we can start to fall apart, both physically and psychologically. There comes a point when attempting to push on through can have some fairly disastrous consequences. Periods of big stress and big effort need to be balanced by big amounts of rest and recovery. Remember, sleep has more curative properties than anything anyone can ever sell you, so do whatever you can to get enough of it. While we may like to think of ourselves as indestructible go-getters, sometimes the only getting we should be doing is getting to bed. While early nights and nanna naps may seem a little lame, they can play a hugely important role in helping us recover.

Do less

While it sounds annoyingly simplistic, the best antidote to doing far too much, is to do far less. Now is not the time to be a hero. Take off the cape, leave it lying somewhere near the laundry basket and get super-realistic about what is achievable for you right now. Cut down your to-do list to the bare essentials and don’t waste your energy on perfect when ‘perfectly adequate’ will suffice. If there are tasks that can be delegated, delegate them. If there are tasks that can be postponed, postpone them. To achieve ‘less’ we may need to set better boundaries and become a whole lot better at checking in on our own needs. When was the last time you asked “what do I really need right now?” A good start is to delay your ‘yeses’ and say ‘no’ to those activities that drain your energy and vitality.

Give your brain a break

21st century humans have become accustomed to constant stimulation. Unfortunately, this isn’t great for our brains. With our days spent multi-tasking, doing complex jobs, scrolling attention-sucking social media apps and managing the multitude of open tabs on our computers, our minds simply don’t get the downtime they need. There are many tell tale signs that you may be cognitively fatigued. You may be making uncharacteristic mistakes or finding it incredibly hard to concentrate. Maybe you found yourself holding your car keys while asking your partner “have you seen my keys?” Whatever the tell tale signs, taking some regular time away from attention-draining devices can be highly restorative. Great ways to restore include taking a walk without your phone, getting out in nature or devoting some time to ‘single-tasking’, focusing on something you love – whether that be listening to music, drawing or watching sport.

Listen to your body (not the marketers)

When feeling fatigued and run-down the answer is rarely any of the stuff the multi-billion-dollar wellness/personal improvement industry is trying to sell us. Instead, you will generally find it by listening to your body and giving it the simple things needed to nourish and restore it. Rather than truly support us, most wellness industry messaging tends to model impossible ideals, tell us we are not good enough and suggest solutions that set us up for failure and disappointment. When we are fighting fatigue and feeling flat, this can be particularly unhelpful. When run-down or exhausted, you probably don’t need an impossibly enthusiastic person to tell you to unleash the power within. Good nutrition, good sleep and regular exercise may sound far more boring than the latest highly hyped miracle cure. They are however far more likely to yield results.

Have a plan

If doing the same thing is leaving you more and more exhausted, it’s time to do things differently. Remember, what’s considered normal isn’t necessarily what’s healthy. Instead of thinking about what’s “normal”, consider what is sustainable for you, what will keep you healthy and what a good life really looks like. It’s important to have an action plan for those really tough days on the job. If you need to get through a busy period, plan how you will look after yourself during it and plan how you will recover after it. If it has been too long since you last truly rested, book in leave and make sure whatever you do during this period is restorative. Rather than staring down a future filled with more exhaustion, having a plan can provide great comfort and help us walk a path to a far healthier and more enjoyable future.


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