Running behind the train?—?Day 26 #100Days100Words

Running behind the train?—?Day 26 #100Days100Words

Today felt like one of those days where I was running to catch the train the entire day and never caught up. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. Too many tasks and obligations to fulfill, not enough time, not enough energy, and still this damn cough squeezing my lungs, like a wrestler in a headlock.

This day was not completely without wins though. I did a lot of conference follow-up, had a call about helping a startup raise capital, did further research into cleantech startup investing for The CleanWeb, and this evening, I got my little sister’s birthday gift in the mail and I washed the rest of the dirty dishes.

One of my goals for 2018 was to do fewer things, but more deeply. I would definitely like to do fewer dishes, but I need to get back on my intermittent fasting protocol with skipping dinners. I did today, so that helped. :)

I’m blasting things out that I ignored while I was sick, and shortly begin to cut out some of the extraneous activities that are feeling more of a sink than a fountain right now.



