Running Apache Superset in Production
Our Apache Superset runs on AWS t2.medium Amazon Linux EC2 instance attached to a 40 GiB EBS.
SSH into your instance. Update OS and install Docker, Docker Compose, and Git.
Clone Superset repository
<code block>git clone<code block>
Launch Superset
<code block>docker compose up<code block>
We use BigQuery as our central data store, so let’s install the BigQuery connector.
<code block>
sudo docker exec -it --user root superset-app bash
pip install sqlalchemy-big query
sudo docker restart superset-app
curl -I https://localhost:80/login/
<code block>
Configure EC2
Our load balancer has two listeners. The HTTP:80 redirect the URL to HTTPS:443 permanently (status code 301). The other listener, HTTP:443, though one of the rules, sends traffic to a target group if the HTTP Host Header is The Target group is the EC2 instance at port 80.
The EC2 security group inbound rules open ports 22 from and port 80 from (VPC CIDR). The outbound rule opens all ports to
We then configure the CNAME, Name being ‘data’, and Data the ‘DNS name’ of the load balancer. Apache Superset is up and running on! The default username and passcode are admin and admin.
Indus Action is a policy implementation organisation that does the necessary tasks to ensure that policies designed to transform the country's social fabric are fully realised. In essence, we bridge the gap between policy and action by easing welfare access to vulnerable citizens and enabling sustainable access to legislated rights.