"Runnin Down a Dream"
Song by Tom Petty, https://youtu.be/Y1D3a5eDJIs

"Runnin Down a Dream"

For a long time, I've considered writing a book about the topic of Dream Jobs. After 30 years, providing career coaching to more than 42k job seekers, at literally every level, in every industry, and sector, I've heard a lot of personal stories about what their jobs were like now and what they wanted from their next job. And I have helped thousands land those dream jobs they wanted; with placement rates ranging from 85% to 100%, and literally shepherding people through millions of interviews.

Occasionally, over the years, there were completely unrealistic goals -- like that young girl from a small town, with no connections to the music industry, believing she could be a rock star. Or that 48 year old, recently released from prison, believing he could earn over $100k annually, support his family, send his 3 sons to college, and retire, in 12 years, comfortably with their mother.

By the way, neither turned out to be far-fetched. Though they did seem so, to me, and even them, at the time.

That's why the first chapter really talks about why every dream is truly far-fetched.

And, more than once (generally from people who don't like their work and never have), I've heard that "dream jobs" are not possible; that "work" is "work" and never, ever dreamy.

That's why chapter 2 delves into this myth, its history, and its manifestation, today, in cultures around the world; especially those where there are brutal, self-serving regimes.

My thought in writing this book was that I needed it when I was 17 thinking about my life. And again when I was choosing a major. And again when I graduated. And again. And again. And again. And I think, based on my conversations now with thousands, that others do too.

In chapters 3 through 5, I plan on delving into the times in our lives when we ask ourselves, "what next?" I think it's important to understand the context of the question and how that context can influence both our approach and our decision; because sometimes the right answer is to change the context. And quite often, we don't do that, choosing from a limited pool of options because our context provides only those few options.

For the rest of the chapters, 6 -12, I focus on "running it down." Truth is we just need to go somewhere to understand how we go about finding a dream and, as the song says, "running it down." And, from what I could see, none of the material out there really tackled, head on the issues I faced, and my clients faced. The books were there. Along with a plethora of podcasts and video. But the actual content, wasn't really, for me at least, very specific on what to do, how to do it, when to do.

Often there wasn't any emphasis on why this dream job quest even mattered. That's my whole chapter 6.

Perhaps because the actual guy who started all of this was wholly obsessed with Who-ville, mostly everything was about figuring out who you are. And not so much of an emphasis, was made, on the tactics and strategies to take that self-knowledge and apply it to the mission of getting interviews, landing offers, and setting yourself up for success in that role.

And while there was plenty of content on resume writing, interviewing, and even salary negotiation; those materials seemed to skip over the fundamental question that needs to be answered by anyone first; what do I want to do next? That's the focus on chapter 7.

So that's (briefly) why, I wanted to tackle this.

I would like to include your story of trying to answer the most fundamental question: what do I want to do next?

And if you could, would you share those with me?

Either here in the comments?

Or, if you prefer more privacy, connect to me and share via DM? And I will anonymize it in the book.

Because my ideal scenario for this book would be that chatpers 8 - 15 are case studies of real people "runnin down a dream."

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