Runaway Children
Millions of minors run away from home every year and, while the reasons for running away are complex and multi-faceted, this continues to be a huge problem throughout the world.
Many teens and children decide to run away from home due to family problems that have become overwhelming and too difficult to bear. Such family problems may include continuously fighting with parents over various important issues, drugs and/or alcohol addiction, financial hardship, disagreement over relationships, grades, and rules, and much more.
Very often, minors choose to run away as one or both their parents have drug or alcohol problems. On the other hand, they themselves may have an alcohol or drug problem that has become untenable. Here at Child Recovery International, we often encounter runaways resulting from sexual, physical, or emotional abuse in the home or at school.
Whatever the reason for running away, it is never good idea for a person under the age of 18 to be roaming the streets as they are extremely vulnerable.
Various things can happen to a runaway. Most of the time, they will be homeless and tend to get into trouble, turn to drugs, abuse alcohol, become a victim of trafficking, suicide and even kidnapping.
If you know of a minor that has run away, your first port of call will probably be the police.?While the police always have your best interests at heart, they normally don’t have the manpower to dedicate to finding your child. In addition, they require that you wait for 48 hours before filing a missing person’s report, which is valuable time lost.
At Child Recovery International, we act immediately when a minor has run away from home as we believe the first few days are crucial. We make use of a wide range of tools and put boots on the ground within minutes. This gives you the very best chance of locating your child and become reunited with them.
Our teams of experts know exactly what to do in the case of runaways and we are considered to be the leader in our Industry.
About the author: Scott Bernstein is the CEO of Child Recovery International. A worldwide organization that combats sex trafficking, runaways, kidnapping, parental abductions and more. He has extensive experience as a counter-terrorist Operative and organized crime Intelligence Operative. He is also a Military and Law Enforcement Trainer. He is an author and available as a Consultant and keynote Speaker.?In addition to his LinkedIn profile, you can also interact with Scott on his LinkedIn?group? #missing #child #CRI #child recovery international #runaways, #missing persons report