Run Your Job Search Like a Business

Run Your Job Search Like a Business

Running your job search like your own business is a helpful metaphor to overcome the mental hurdles associated with seeking new employment.

Searching for a job can be discouraging because there is:

  • A lot of rejection.
  • A lot of non-responses.
  • A lot of uncertainty.
  • And several 'No's'.

Let's go to the foundations of business and apply these to the job search. I'm going to leverage how Josh Kaufman breaks down business in his book The Personal MBA and apply this here:

Replace 'Business' with 'Job Search' in this image.

1. Value Creation: discovering what people need or want, then creating it.

In the context of a job, this is the unique skillset, experience and knowledge that you bring to the table. An employer "buys" your skills to solve an internal business problem.

Whether you're a Cleaner solving the problem of a dirty classroom or a Data Engineer solving the problem of dirty data, the business is still looking to fit a human into a real world problem.

Jobs are businesses fitting problems into a title and responsibilities.

As a job seeker, your main concern is how you can create value for said employer.

Sometimes you need to upskill as the market shifts, and other times you're in hot demand!

2. Marketing: attracting attention and building demand for what you’ve created.

Marketing, for a job seeker, can be condensed into key assets cultivated to apply for jobs. I'm sure the first thing that comes to your mind is a Resume but it's not just this. Think...

  • Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Project Portfolio
  • Your Website (if you have one)
  • Referrals from Other People
  • Case Studies

You can build demand by showing your Job Seeker Assets to people in the right way, similar to how a business provides a capability statement of their services.

Showing these assets to prospective employers is sales...

3. Sales: turning prospective customers into paying customers: you guessed it.

This is the process of turning prospective employers into actual employers. Making people aware of your skillsets, demonstrated through your Job Seeker Assets, going through an interview process to ensure you're a fit and then creating a partnership for services (i.e. an employment contract).

Your "sales" prospects may be people you do know or don't know. How to get in touch with prospective employers?

  • Apply for advertised jobs (most common)
  • Send outbound messages to employers of choice, make sure to lead with value
  • Word of mouth, better known as referral.

Getting 'in touch' with prospective employers is only the first step of the sales process. There are several more stages in the interview process you must overcome before a sale is closed.

Post this point, job secured.

4. Value Delivery: giving your customers what you’ve promised and ensuring that they’re satisfied.

Great! Well done, you've landed the job of your dreams.

But make sure you stay in that job and pass probation.

This is delivering on the promises made in the initial value creation, marketing and sales phases. Some of this can be out of your control, but learning and showing up is in your control.

5. Finance: Bringing in enough money to keep going and make your effort worthwhile.

I always say in an interview, 'Money is important, so let's talk about it.'

As an employee you provide value to a business and that value should be adequately rewarded. Over a career, skills accumulate and you can provide more value hence command a higher financial return.

Finance permeates through all phases above and continues on throughout your employment (think remuneration reviews).

Your finances should be rationalised and supported with evidence. For example, conduct salary research.

The Job Generating Machine

Like a business, you want a reliable system to generate and qualify prospects to see if they're a fit for you. Visually, this will look something like a funnel with the top being the base activities you need to complete in order to start creating opportunities for yourself.

Assuming you have your Job Seeker Assets in tip top shape, some activities that generate prospects include:

  1. Applying for jobs on job boards
  2. Connecting to potential employers
  3. Attending networking events
  4. Sharing your Job Seeker Assets online
  5. Connecting with your network to find prospects

Each of these activities has their own nuances and skills. What I've found a lot of people struggle with is #2: Connecting to potential employers.

This is how I would do it:

Situation: You're a Data Engineer looking for a new role.

Who to connect to: people with 'Data Engineer Manager', 'Data Engineer Lead' or 'Data & Analytics Manager' job titles.


Hi {firstname},

Noticed you're {personal anecdote with a genuine compliment of recognition}.

I'm a Data Engineer specialising in {x,y,z value creation}.

Recently I've applied for a few roles at {competitor company? or known company}.

Connecting as we're both local and in the same field.


After building some rapport, you may ask if they're aware of any jobs for a xyz Data Engineer on the market. There's more psychology behind this messaging but not enough space to explain it all here (read the book Influence by Robert Cialdini to get the insider knowledge on the laws of reciprocity, liking and social proof.

Conclusion: Run Your Job Search Like a Business

I've spoken to a few job seekers that were having some challenges recently so writing this article to breathe some new life into those that may be struggling. A lot of the job search is mindset.

Remember...all you need is one yes from the sometimes hundreds of applications and you've got the job!

DR Analytics Recruitment

I'm Douglas - former data analyst and Founder of DR Analytics Recruitment. We grow people and businesses with an exclusive focus on the recruitment of data, analytics and AI professionals. Companies use us to build their data teams because of our industry expertise, specialisation and technical testing.

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