Run your desktop app on web in minutes with Webswing

Run your desktop app on web in minutes with Webswing

OK, let’s admit it! The best days of desktop apps are gone. Native desktop applications lost popularity and everything is forced to be online and mobile. Rising demand for apps to be accessible through the web browser is clearly seen not only from the clients, but from the companies themself. Online apps provides great benefits for developers and users. Users don’t need to go through the installation process, don’t need to worry about constant updates, etc. Developers can profit from single deployment point, where they can deliver updates to app instantly.

Web technology has undisputable advantages, but what about existing applications? Using applet technology proved to be quite insecure and rewriting the entire application happened to be expensive and very time consuming process. Not to mention that apps, that have been developed for years, usually contains complicated business logic and has a certain level of know-how behind it. Therefore rewriting and rebuilding the applications from ‘ground zero’ might be also risky business to carry out.

So what is the solution then? How can companies run their old desktop app to web instantly?

That’s where our solution comes around. With Webswing, old desktop application is securely running on a server and user’s browser only displays the application window. Webswing is really easy to setup and it is configured in the snap of the finger. Immediate solution, instant transfer to online world. And the best thing is, that it’s all done without changing a single line of source code, which brings companies unprecedented costs and time savings.

If you want to find out more about our brisk software, visit us at


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