Run for good, City Walk Eco Run: Breaking Through My Running Aversion
"We've run out of carrots to dangle in front of Hannah," said the trainer.

Run for good, City Walk Eco Run: Breaking Through My Running Aversion

I hate running. Of all the sports that were ever invented, it’s the one I would pick if all options were done and it was just ski mountaineering and running left to choose from. I cycle, I swim, I lift dumbbells... I just do not run. And yet today I did. I was “training” for the #CityWalkEcoRun happening on 4th November. Proceeds go to ‘Enable’, to empower special young local entrepreneurs; only reason I was caught running.

Why I hate running baffles me as well considering I played soccer with my five brothers, growing up. In high school, I was captain of the girls’ basketball team. At University, well, let’s just say I left all exercising to my hands. Writing, writing and more writing. Exams, songs, articles, campaigns, songs, books, speeches…you get the idea. A sedentary lifestyle crept up on me thereon. Whereas I loved cycling, relocation disrupted my routines.

I decided to become a self-taught swimmer. How did that go? I almost drowned "exercising" in a pool when I was 6 months pregnant. In my defence, I thought the lifeguard was watching. There’s a lesson there about not counting on the next guy to do their job right if your life depends on it. A fear of water kept me out of the pool after this incident but this year I broke that spell. On a company retreat with Xitelive IMC , I dared step into the water again, even if just to waddle around. It wouldn’t be until four months later that I sat myself down and had the talk about how I’m missing fun in the pool with my kids because of a silly fear. At that time I had started working out occasionally-hitting the 3 km mark on a treadmill, cross-ramping, leg lifts and so forth; nothing particularly spectacular. Everything always hurt so much after and I needed 3 days to recover. Ironically, it’s crying on the gym floor because I couldn’t do a single push-up that motivated me to conquer my fear of water and swim again. I would make up for not being able to lift my body weight by befriending buoyancy.

So when I say I hate running and yet I ran, it comes from a deep place of having let myself go for so long. My goal today was to hit just 20 minutes of running. Whereas I’m training for the 5km run, I did not want to be too ambitious to set distance goals. That did not stop my trainer though. He did; 5km. He gave me no rest. When I was tired, he only accepted jogging in one spot but even then he would all too quickly yank me ahead. I had to keep moving. He reminded me of Coach Boone (Denzel Washington) in Remember The Titans.

By the 10-minute mark, I was screaming, “I can’t do this. “ His response was that I should save the energy I’m using to talk to keep going. He kept encouraging me to find my pace, to breathe through my nose, to not look straight ahead but at my feet…I probably should have listened to him. He took to his phone, sat on a bench and left me to my ways.

The moment I noticed he had stopped spurring me on I felt ashamed of my bad attitude. I was better than this. I knew because I had wrestled with my will time and time again to go an hour of training when I had set out to do way less. I needed to tap into that place again.

“I’ll show him what I’m made of,” I internally resolved. I went from whining and begging for water breaks to sprinting out the last stretch. I ran faster than I had done with him in my ear. It’s almost as if I had been running for him at first but when I decided to do this for myself, I found the inner will to go on. I refuelled without needing a Prime drink. I went from having to be pushed like a 10-ton truck that had run out of fuel uphill, to achieving 2.45 km in 26 minutes. Day One down. Six more to go.

As I type this, sweat dripping between the breasts I promised to go get a mammogram for this Breast Cancer Awareness Month but still haven’t, I’m encouraged to do more than the #CityWalkEcoRun. Perhaps I’ll dare to try 30 minutes of fitness every day for 30 days. How about you? Are you taking on the Dubai Fitness Challenge?


Hannah Uwuzura, CDMP的更多文章

