Run Edge InPrivate by Default
Believe it or not, I've moved most of my browsing to Microsoft Edge. One trick is to run InPrivate by default.
If you don't want to do the work described below, then get into the habit of starting the browser by right-clicking the Edge icon on the Windows 10 taskbar and choosing New InPrivate window.
Supposedly, Edge should use the command line switches that chrome supports:
But, of course, it does not (maybe next Tuesday?). In fact, the only one that I have tried does not work. This is what I'm using now:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --inprivate --profile-directory=Default
On Windows 10, right-click the Edge icon on the taskbar, right-click Microsoft Edge in the pop-up menu that appears, then select Properties in the menu that appears, and then add --inprivate to the command line arguments in the Target field on the Shortcut tab. Then close all Edge windows and use that shortcut icon to restart the browser.
If you want an Edge window with all your cookies and tracking enabled, from an InPrivate window, press Ctrl+N. Otherwise, press Ctrl+T to open a new InPrivate tab, which you can drag out of the browser window to use as a separate window. Either way, I think you get a separate msedge.exe process.
If you have only tracking windows open and you click the icon, it may not open an InPrivate window. In this case, in a tracking window, press Ctrl+Shift+N or click the ellipsis at the top right and then New InPrivate window from the menu that appears. Alternatively, right-click the icon and then click Microsoft Edge from the menu that appears.
Because this uses a command line switch, it seems unlikely that next Tuesday's "fixes" from Microsoft can reset/override my preference.
It seems a little fishy that this 64-bit binary is in the x86 directory, which I thought was for 32-bit binaries, but I may be misunderstanding something.
Including this here for anyone interested (set default google account for tracking windows).