Run the code and find out the hidden message!
Crystine PL Yoong
Crystine PL Yoong
Talent Acquisition Manager at Experian | We bring smart, passionate people together to Create a Better Tomorrow! #DiscoverExperianMalaysia
import; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { decipherText(); } public static void decipherText() { String jumbledWord = "Zh#duh#fxuuhqwo|#klulqj#iru#vriwzduh#hqjlqhhulqj#judgxdwh#surjudp/#sohdvh#hpdlo#xv#dw#judgkluh1p|Ch{shuldq1frp"; String[] tips = { "Try", "To", "Solve" }; String convertedWord = jumbledWord.chars() .map(asciiCharacter -> (asciiCharacter - tips.length)) .mapToObj(newAscii -> (char) newAscii) .map(singleCharacter -> Character.toString(singleCharacter)) .collect(Collectors.joining("")); System.out.println(convertedWord); } }