Rumors Visori 2024
Tony Leone
CIO | OOBEXR | ALTEA FEDERATION | Live in the Metaverse, do stuff. Spare time Jedi Master
Post breve sugli ultimi rumors provenienti dal web relativamente ai nuovi computer spaziali per il metaverso.
Di fronte all'accesa concorrenza nel settore della realtà estesa (XR) guidata dal Vision Pro di Apple, non solo Samsung Electronics, Qualcomm e Google hanno annunciato la creazione di un'alleanza XR, ma LG Electronics svilupperà anche visori dotate di chip Qualcomm.
Microsoft has recently been awarded a patent to install hot-swappable battery functionality into a future pair of augmented reality (AR) smart glasses, reports revealed.
According to MSPowerUser, Microsoft published the patents on 5 October, revealing a potentially strong competitor to current smart glass providers with its modular design.
The tech giant’s patent shows that the device includes internal charging storage, allowing users to continue using the device for extended periods even after the main battery is fully empty.
It also outlines several configurations for the modular design, with one indicating a battery in the smart glasses temple piece, the report continued. It would then use an electrical connector to supply power to the rest of the smart glasses but facilitate easy removals and replacements when needed.
This week, Microsoft unveiled a new patent aiming to improve functionality for devices like its HoloLens 2 and others, indicating a potential revival of its R&D into MR headsets.
The initial patent states that Microsoft plans to create a “display device [that] includes a display substrate and a backplane substrate.”
The patent continues:
The display substrate includes an array of micro-LEDs forming individual pixels. The backplane substrate includes a plurality of pixel logic hardware modules. Each pixel logic hardware module includes a local memory element configured to store a multi-bit pixel intensity value of a corresponding micro-LED for an image frame. The backplane substrate is bonded to a backside of the display substrate such that the pixel logic hardware modules are physically aligned behind the array of micro-LEDs and each pixel logic hardware module is electrically connected to a micro-LED of the corresponding pixel.
Also, the report stated that Microsoft will explore microLED displays to circumvent some of the issues with waveguide technologies, including “their size and the poor visual quality.” Additionally, using microLED displays can reduce HoloLens device form factors while boosting the headset’s imaging quality.
La lunga collaborazione tra OPPO e Qualcomm Technologies nelle applicazioni XR ha raggiunto il suo apice. All’AWE 2023, OPPO ha presentato OPPO MR Glass Developers Edition, supportato dalla piattaforma Snapdragon XR2+ Gen 1. Questo device è una delle prime soluzioni di Mixed Reality al mondo ad abbracciare la Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Edition. Questa collaborazione va oltre l’hardware e OPPO è pronta a lanciare prodotti XR all’avanguardia, unendo il mondo fisico a quello digitale per un’esperienza immersiva.
Snapdragon Seamless si estenderà in futuro alle piattaforme XR, Auto e IoT. Xiaomi, Honor, Lenovo, Microsoft e OPPO, tra gli altri, stanno tutti collaborando con Qualcomm Technologies per abilitare esperienze multi-dispositivo utilizzando Snapdragon Seamless per piattaforme di dispositivi globali, già a partire da quest'anno.
Pico is rumoured to be developing three new headsets, the Pico 5, Pico 5 Pro, and Pico 5 Pro Max, with impressive specifications and features.
The Pico 5 is expected to be released in April 2024 and be priced similarly to the Meta Quest 3.
The Pico 5 will have new controllers, second-generation pancake lenses, and a resolution of 2560x2560 per eye, potentially offering the best visuals on a standalone headset so far.
According to the roadmap, the Pico 5 will be released on April 21 2024, with an early preview coming a couple of months earlier in February 2024.
It's expected to cost 3,499 Chinese Yuan, which puts it roughly in line with the Quest 3 when converted to dollars at around $499.
The roadmap says that two additional headsets will be revealed on April 21, too, but they won't be available to purchase until later in the year.
The Pico 5 Pro is said to cost 4299 Yuan (~$599) and will be available in October 2024. The Pico 5 Pro Max has some seriously impressive specifications and will cost 7,999 Yuan (~$1,100) and go on sale in December 2024.
Recent reports on the Meta Quest 4 Pro suggest that Meta is likely to release three different models in the Quest 4 lineup, expectedly named Meta Quest 4, Quest 4 Lite, and Quest 4 Pro.
The Meta Quest 4, positioned as the entry-level model in the Quest 4 series, is expected to be a pure VR headset, omitting mixed reality features like depth sensors and full-colour passthrough, while likely retaining the same processor as the standard Meta Quest 4.
The high-end Meta Quest 4 Pro is anticipated to sport micro-OLED display(s) as rumours suggest. This variant is likely to have a more powerful processor, higher resolution, increased RAM, enhanced comfort, and exclusive features such as facial and eye tracking.
The Meta Quest 4, positioned as the standard model, is expected to find a sweet spot between affordability and functionality, offering mixed reality features that the Lite version lacks, and likely boasting superior hardware specs than the Lite but but not quite reaching the level of the Pro model.
Rumours suggest that the Quest 4 Pro is set to release in 2025. Drawing from the historical release patterns of Meta's previous headsets, we can expect the Meta Quest 4 Pro to be released in October 2025.
Stay Tuned !!