Rules For Success
Ankita Tiwari
QA Engineer | 4 Years of Experience in Manual Testing for Mobile & Web | Strong Focus on Bug Identification & Issue Resolution
Learn How to Handle Failure
If you want to be successful, you must not only learn how to handle success but also learn how to handle failures. If you want to maintain the success, then you must learn to handle the failure. Failure is the first step towards the success. Accept the failure, improve yourself and fertile your dreams.
This is because you will definitely face rejections, failures and all sorts of challenges while you are on your journey to achieve your dreams. Thus, learning how to turn your failures into your success is one of the most important lessons you must acquire.
If you study how every highly successful people accomplish their amazing results in life, you will discoverthat every one of them failed at least once. In fact, many of them failed many times in their journeys, but none of them give up. They continue to work hard and learn how to handle their failures. At the end, they produce the results they want and achieve the success many dreams about.
“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.”
Imagine the Outcome that You Want
In order to achieve your dreams and to manifest the success you want, you must first imagine it in your head. You must see the picture vividly and visualize it regularly, and the universe will bring you what you have asked.
This happens to every successful people. Successful people think differently. They spend most of the time thinking about getting the results they want. They think about their dreams, breathe their dreams, eat their dreams, talk about their dreams, and go to bed with their dreams in their mind. You will become what you think about most of the time. And the Law of Attraction states that thoughts are things.In a nutshell, you will live your thoughts and your thoughts will determine your reality.
“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.”?
Hence, if you want to live a better life and build a successful future, start by changing your thoughts. When your thoughts changed, your actions and decisions will follow suit. And when your actions and decisions changed, your results will change reap a destiny.”?
Practice the Art of Giving
Practice the art of giving. When you give, help someone who is in need, and you make other people happy, you will feel the happiness and deep sense of fulfillment yourself.
Many great leaders told people to practice giving every day and the easiest way to do this is to give kind words to others. You do not need to be rich and you do not need money to do this. When you talk to people, use good words and never insult, condemn, blame, or criticize.
if you want to be an extraordinary leader and influence people, do not blame, or criticize others, instead, be lavish with your praise. Everyone loves it when others praise them, and nobody loves to be criticized or condemned. Thus, be kind with your words, make people happy and praise them.
Of course, if you have more, you can always donate and give back to the community and the world. The act of giving back will help make an impact on the world. If you are looking to make a real, lasting difference in this world, you can do it by giving back. When you say good words, you are leaving an impact on that individual. When you donate to the charity, you are creating an impact on the community and the world. More importantly, your act of giving back will get you inspired when you see the influence you have made to the people.
"Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work."
Fight to be you
You must feel that you are special and you are unique. You are different from other people and thus, it is not necessary for you to copy other people. The society has trained us to become and think like everyone else, but this is not the right path to shine. If you want to be extraordinary and accomplish amazing results in life, you must learn to stand out from the crowd. You must learn to be yourself.
"you know yourself and the boundaries that you have set, you are more likely to experience a fulfilling and rewarding life."
One great way how you can understand yourself better and be the most authentic you is to get in touch with your inner child. When you watch small children, you will notice how free they are and how little they care about what others think about them. Children are happy and are always living in the moment because they are living according to their values and beliefs. As they get older, adults will tell them to “fit in” and to “be realistic”. As a result, most people are not living the lives that they want, they are living the lives that other people wanted them to be and are bound by the rules other people have set.
Therefore, be a child again and remember to let your true nature shines. Always be aware of the quality of your thoughts that run through your mind at every moment. Learn to let go of old and useless thoughts that limit your success. Instead, observe your thoughts and make sure your thoughts are positive and able to empower you to achieve better results in life.
Breakthrough Your Limits
You are your only limit. There is no such thing as impossible, but the only thing that will stop you is the limit that you create in your mind. If you always place a limit on everything you do, it will spread into your work and into your life. You have to understand that there are no limits, there are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.
“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right.”?
What you believe will become your limit, and your limit will determine how much you can accomplish in your life. In order to produce outstanding success in life, you must break through your limits. You must believe in yourself that you can do it because your beliefs are your own limits. If you wholeheartedly believe that you can do it, you will achieve it.
Be A Student
One of the keys to success is to read as much as possible because knowledge works just like compound interest.
“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you”
Be a student and commit to constant and never-ending improvement. The only way to unleash your inner potential is through learning and improving each and every day.
Be A Teacher
Besides being a great student, you must learn to be a great teacher too. Be a teacher so that he could share the fantastic opportunity to grow minds, to give dreams to the young people, and to share dreams that will make someone a better human being.
Many studies have shown that one of the best ways to learn is to teach. When you share your expertise and teach others what you are good at, you will become better because you are ingraining that knowledge deeper into your mind. What is more important is that when you have the spirit to teach and to share, you are making a difference to the community and the world.
"Never be stingy with your knowledge. Be a teacher, share your expertise and make a positive impact in this world."
Work with Integrity
Integrity is one of the highest values that people seek when it comes to working together as a team. An organization will not survive if the people that manage it have no integrity. This applies to every area of your life, whether it is in business, at work or in your relationship.
Leaders with integrity may not be the most famous, flashy, or the wealthiest, and they actually do not care at all. Integrity means doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, and this is what makes someone with integrity successful. Imagine if your business partner cheats you, would you want to work with him again in the future? The answer is a resounding no.
?“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
You should not compromise your integrity and honesty in every situation even if it is just a small matter. When you compromise, it will become a habit and you will compromise very easily the next round. This will ultimately destroy your reputation and all the hard work you have poured in. Make integrity your highest priority.
Follow Your Dreams
It all begins with your dreams. What do you want to accomplish in your life and what are your goals? Who do you aspire to be and what are your visions? Highly successful people are motivated and they are always on the move to pursue something great, and this is because they have a dream. Without knowing what you want, you will end up being ordinary like most people. And to break through the barrier of ordinary, you need to have a strong and passionate dream to drive you in life.
When you have a dream and you are absolutely committed to achieving it, your dream will drive you to learn more, to work more, to be fearless, despite all the challenges, and to persevere until you accomplish it. It is your dream that will make you an extraordinary person.
Be the Inspiration
everything starts from within you, and you can make a difference in the world by becoming an inspiration to others. When you changed for the better, you can become the aspiration for others. And when others follow and do their best, the world will be in peace and harmony.
“All birds find shelter during a rain. But the eagles avoid rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference.”
So change your attitude and how you look at things. Look at the world not as it is trying to do harm to you, rather, look at the world as the world is bringing you the best. When you start to inspire others to do better in their lives, you are doing what?Mahatma Gandhi?said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
By A.P.J Abdul Kalam