The Rules of SEO have changed!

According to Content Marketing Institute, Ninety-two percent of marketers said their organization views content as a business asset. SEO is a very pivotal part of it. The search engine optimization strategy is one of the most effective online marketing tool a firm could implement. Successful firms across the globe recognize that SEO is fundamental, but the discipline is changing so quickly that once-powerful strategies are now sometimes actively damaging. With rapid technological innovation happening, if you spend much time in online marketing communities, you’ve probably already aware that we’ve entered a new era in SEO,

SEO is important but the truth is today, you cannot achieve a high search engine rank for your website without the original, interesting, useful, informative and well-presented content. But, SEO is not dead. Quality content is perhaps gaining an upper hand upon achieving higher rankings, organic traffic, and higher ROI through a website.

Quality Content

There is indeed a need for clarification about the concept of the “Quality Content”.“High-Quality Content” refers to something which is original, not at all copied or spun, and delivers, meaningful information to the users, website visitors and customers. It can be a picture, a video, an infographic, a buying guide or anything else that delivers some value or idea. High-quality content is necessary nowadays but, if it is not optimized properly, it won’t be able to deliver the measurable results. After publishing the high-quality content, you need to make the search engines aware of your content.

According to .rosemontmedia,’Once upon a time, a popular strategy was to generate as many links for your website as possible in order to increase your ranking and visibility across all major search engines. The more backlinks you had to your site – regardless of where or from whom the links originated – the more your SEO results typically improved. As opposed to this primitive SEO methodology, it’s now all about the quality of links obtained from your website rather than the number of links leading back to your site. In addition to rewarding for quality links, Google has also started to penalize websites with excessive backlinks deemed to be spammy and low-quality’.

Quality over Quantity

There once was a time when search engines could only determine the quantity of website properties - how many links or keywords were on a page - and as a result, it would be fairly easy to bump your website up to the top rankings for a given query. This is not the case any longer. 

Customers’ Perspective

One of the biggest disconnects between businesses and customers is a lack of empathy for the customer perspective. Therefore, the content from the perspective of customers and write something which they find relevant. One of the ways that search engines use to evaluate the content quality is by checking its relevance for the customers. After all, every search on the search engine begins with someone typing a key phrase or keyword in the search box and ends when they click on one or more

Optimizing content for SEO

Effective content marketing is a vehicle for modern SEO. Therefore optimization has become even more important. Some of the popular optimization techniques that can help you produce high-quality content are;

  1. Usage of keywords based on Target Audience
  2. Architecting good content
  3. Keeping an eye on overall content design
  4. Internal link optimisation
  5. Standardising technical SEO content issues

Whether the aim of your post is to entertain, to inform or to persuade people, contents that are poorly presented is lost. People simply won’t understand your message. Every blog post has some kind of a message, in poorly made, chances are much higher that people won’t understand your message correctly. You need to build a website completely from a user’s perspective and at the same time, you have to optimize the website wisely for search engines.


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