Rules for safe and transparent AI

Rules for safe and transparent AI

AI in regulated environments – What to consider?

Since April 2018 (the publication of the "Artificial Intelligence for Europe" document), the EU Commission has been working on creating a legal framework for the use and deployment of AI-based solutions. Since June this year, the EU Parliament has had a view on this – MEPs ready to negotiate first-ever rules for safe and transparent AI

This means that the use of AI (especially in regulated environments) has to be prepared.

In our view, the following points need to be considered:

1. How may and should AI be used? For what purposes? Working principles, which should be part of the organizational culture and structure, must be defined and introduced.

2. Which legal framework conditions must also be taken into account (e.g. copyright, personal rights)?

3. Which precautions must be adapted in the governance system (e.g. in risk management)?

4. Who is allowed to work with AI and in which roles?

5. Which work areas are excluded for the use of AI?

6. Which data in which form are necessary for an AI approach?

7. What must be considered when collecting, evaluating and, if necessary, storing them in the use of AI?

8. What must be taken into account with regards to the use of AI for clients?


We deal with questions like these every day and help our clients find answers and solutions to them. With proven methods and proprietary technologies our experts can help businesses define AI projects that support the business strategy and goals. AI makes business more productive, efficient and knowledge-driven. To harness the power of artificial intelligence we have created a three-step get started approach which is tailored to suit your specific requirements, wherever you are on your AI adoption journey.

Read more on our website: Harness the power of artificial intelligence



