rules (i.e., “accepted – civilized – behavior”) which are not subject to any institutional authority

rules (i.e., “accepted – civilized – behavior”) which are not subject to any institutional authority

To illustrate this article, on Contemporary Health Tourism and Academic Libertarianism, I used the front cover of the book titled “Libertarianism - Key Concepts in Political Theory”, by Eric Mack, a paperback edition of which one can buy for $19.95, through Amazon (? ?).

keeping “the state / government out of it”

…and letting the marketplace work the way it should

For the most part of my career as a pediatric surgeon, I worked at university teaching hospitals (London, Cape Town and Durban) – doing much (though, not all) of what academics are conventionally, expected do.

Although I managed to, pretty much, get to do “my own thing”, i.e., innovate (under the “pretext” of doing “research”), I generally recoiled (and rebelled) against the aloofness of ivory tower mentality.

When I got into Health Tourism (after deciding I had done enough “innovating” as a pediatric surgeon), my intention was to introduce some “academic rigor” (in the form of deeper learning and higher-level “thinking”) to the economic sector – but without the “stuffiness” (stifling rigidity, formality and an overly strict adherence to rules, conventions and etiquette) characteristic of the “old school” academic institutions.

More specifically, I wanted Contemporary Health Tourism to be associated with academic libertarianism – which has its roots in “libertarianism”, generally, and which, as Jeffrey A. Miron, author of the book “Libertarianism, from A to Z” (? ), explains, is about keeping “the state / government out of it” and letting the marketplace work the way it should.

And even more specifically, I wanted Contemporary Health Tourism to embrace the “rock ethos”, as part of its set of values – designed to challenge the status quo -? .

BTW, in another LinkedIn article, I talk about getting Academia to embrace and be part of Contemporary Health Tourism (? ).

about academic libertarianism (and its virtues and benefits)

…being subject to rules – but where these rules are not subject to any institutional authority

Incidentally, in addition to being designated a “strategic concept & practice”, academic libertarianism has been adopted and implemented as part of the Contemporary Health Tourism “value system” - upheld by its Ethos and Principles - ensuring ht8 remains a beautiful game. The Contemporary Health Tourism “ethos” is a systematic arrangement of “norms” enabling stakeholders to deal with each other (? ?).

Academic Libertarianism is about being subject to rules (which in Contemporary Health Tourism we refer to as “accepted – civilized – behavior”) – but where these “rules” are not subject to any institutional authority.

Academic libertarianism applies libertarian principles to the realm of academia and emphasizes:

  • freedom of thought, speech and research within academic settings
  • opposition to censorship, ideological conformity and restrictions on “well-informed, thought-out and supported” controversial ideas
  • decentralized knowledge production
  • support for diverse academic institutions and funding models, reducing reliance on centralized control
  • the encouragement of competition among ideas and research approaches
  • the rights of students and faculty to pursue their intellectual interests without undue interference (something which, as a pediatric surgeon in an academic setting, I was permitted to do)
  • “academic freedom” as a fundamental right
  • limited institutional power (i.e., being skeptical of large bureaucratic institutions - even within academia)
  • individual control of research and educational paths

virtues and benefits:

  • advancement of knowledge - unfettered inquiry allows for the exploration of diverse perspectives and the challenging of established dogma, leading to intellectual progress
  • protection of dissent - safeguards the rights of minority viewpoints and protects scholars from ideological persecution
  • innovation and creativity - a free and competitive academic environment fosters innovation and the development of new ideas
  • individual autonomy - empowers students and faculty to pursue their intellectual passions and make their own choices
  • increased diversity of thought - by allowing all viewpoints to be expressed, a larger range of ideas can be examined and “better understanding” can be achieved
  • reduces “group think” - by encouraging dissenting opinions, it is harder for large groups of academics to all fall into the same lines of thinking


Konstantinos Konstantinidis, M.D., Ph.D.的更多文章