Rules to Follow when using the Comma
Benjamin Lawal
Professional Ghostwriter| Founder & CEO, WordFlex Consult Ltd.|| Author| Chief Content Creator at African History TV
Did you know that correct punctuation can save a person’s life?
Andrea once wrote to us, "I remember when I was growing, I could use the comma up to twenty times in a compound sentence, and because of this, my class teacher, Miss Zara would whip me up to the number of times I wrongly used the punctuation mark.
Why? Because I wasn’t knowledgable about its usage.
But with time, after consistent practice, I’ve been able to master it, and that has saved my life".
We'd love to save your life just like Andrea's. That is why we will be showing you how to practise the good usage of the comma.
Come with us as we embark on this success journey.
What is the comma?
The comma is a punctuation mark that separates ideas, clauses, or words within a sentence. Some writers refer to this mark as a soft pause because it specifies a smaller break in a sentence.
As tiny as this mark is, it is a very tricky one. Yeah! we sure you just attested to that? Because commas have many uses, they can not be easily pinned down.
There are some cases where you’ll be sure to use a comma, and in some instances, you’ll be confused about whether or not to use this punctuation mark.
Uses of The Comma
The comma is one of the most abused and misused punctuation marks. You can get your whole sentence wrong if you do not use this punctuation mark very well.
Commas are used for diverse purposes. Below are the most common reasons:
â— The comma is used to separate the major elements of a sentence from each other.
â— It is used to set off a parenthetical element from the remaining sentence.
â— You can also use the comma to set off quotations or dialogs.
â— It can as well be used to separate elements in a series.
What Are the Types Of Commas?
Commas have a wide range of purposes, and they also come in different types.
Below are the four different types of commas:
â— The joining comma
â— The bracketing comma
â— The listing comma
â— The gapping comma
Though its usage is not as difficult as you think, there are some important rules you need to grasp to ensure your next piece is more understandable to your readers.
Rules of The Comma
It doesn’t matter the difficulty you’re currently facing about the usage of the comma, or whether you have in front of you a page full of those little marks, and you feel nervous about it.
Follow these list of comma rules, as it will help you write, and edit better, you’ll also become a pro just like Andrea in a twinkle of an eye.
Rule 1: Use Commas to Differentiate Items in a List
Here, you can use the comma to separate items in a list of three things or more. Sure this rule isn’t a strange one to you, as your English teacher must have been sounding it to your hearing since you began learning basic English.
For example:
â— Success requires hard work, focus, perseverance, and consistency.
Rule 2: Use a Comma Before a Quotation
You need to make it a habit to always put a comma before a quotation.
For example:
â— John 3:16 says, ‘’For God so loved the world that He gave His Only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have life eternal.â€
◠Jane said, ‘’You can’t eat your cake, and have it’’
Rule 3: Use a Comma After An Introductory Phrase or Clause
In this instance, a comma enlightens the readers that the introductory phrase or clause has ended and that the main part of the sentence is about to commence.
â— Near the river Nile, my father discovered a beautiful diamond.
â— When Sam was about to eat, his mum beckoned on him.
Rule 4: Use Comma With Addresses, Numbers, Dates, and Titles
In addresses: the elements contained in an address or the name of a place are separated by commas. On the other hand, a zip code isn’t preceeded by a comma.
Matthew Daniels was born in Lagos, Nigeria, in 1802.
In dates: the year is set off from the remaining sentences with a pair of comma.
For instance:
On April 1st, 2020, the Proprietor bought a new car.
In numbers: when writing numbers more than four digits long use comma to separate the numbers into groups, making sure to start from the right. For instance: 4, 000,000.
And in a case where the numbers are just four, you can either seperate them with a comma or leave them the way they appear. Example: 2, 300 or simply 2300.
In titles: if a title comes after a name, ensure to separate the title from the remaining part of the sentence using a comma. For example: Stella Thomas, CTO, is now a member of board.
Rule 5: Use Comma To Specify Direct Address
When a speaker mentions the person he or she is referring to, this kind of address is called direct address. So, it would be best if you could identify by using comma. Although this is dependent on where you'll place it in the sentence.
For instance:
I think, Vic, you're rude.
Vic, I think you're rude.
I think you're rude, Vic.
Rule 6: Use The Comma To Separate Independent Clauses
You should use a comma before coordinating conjunctions, including, or, and, for, but, nor, so, yet, etc. when it marries two different ideas (independent clauses).
For example:
You can come take a walk with me, or you stay at home.
Commas are powerful in communicating our ideas effectively, and when used wrongly, they could pass an unintended message to your readers.
This is why it is important to follow the guidelines discussed in this article to use the comma correctly.
However, if you have trouble going through this process, we are available at WordFlex Consult to help you. Contact us today for professional editing and proofreading of your works.