Rules for effective leadership in difficult times

Rules for effective leadership in difficult times

Hi all. Found an excellent article that I am sure many will relate to. Hope you get something useful out of this...

Effective leadership in business is paramount. But strong leaders need to be thinking beyond the pandemic. So how do they navigate a future filled with uncertainty? Here are the five core skills that all leaders facing these challenges must demonstrate and embody.

1. Have a vision

  • The pandemic has caused the unprecedented disruption of commerce in most industry sectors. Envisioning involves creating a picture of what the future will be like for an organisation which will serve as a road map to success. When that vision is understood and shared, it generates enthusiasm and motivation and builds confidence in employees. Good leaders cultivate not just a plan of how the vision may be achieved but also a deep conviction that it will be successful.

2. Adapt and be open to change

  • Good leaders develop appropriate strategies for their organisations in periods of crisis or stability alike, anticipating and being open to change.

3. Generate new ideas

  • Leaders need to make teams think about existing challenges in new ways and re-examine assumptions about their roles. This could involve more creative thinking and idea generation through useful tools such as mind-mapping, brainstorming, and?gamification.

Compassionate and supportive leadership is vital in inspiring confidence in employees and reassuring them in difficult and uncertain times. Concerted efforts to support and maintain employee wellbeing are crucial to morale and achieving company goals.

Looks like really useful info, eh? Just click HERE to find out more! If you’d like to share perspectives or discuss how it relates to your business, email me at [email protected] .


