Rule of Three (3) is Everywhere
Matthew Battaglia
AZ Tech Roundtable Host - 20 Yr Broadcaster + Biz Owner / Interviewing Top Leaders on Biz, Tech, Investing & More / Insights for Entrepreneurs, Bus Owners & Execs / Economic Knight + KFNX GM
What do a Play, Chess Game, Magic Trick & The Slogan in the Declaration of Independence all have in Common?
Play – 3 Acts, Setup, the Confrontation, & the Resolution
Chess Game – 3 Phases, Opening, Middlegame, Endgame
Magic Trick – 3 Parts, Pledge, Turn, Prestige
Declaration of Independence – 3 Word Slogan, Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness
Do you see a pattern?
‘Omne trium perfectum’ - from Latin, means ‘Everything that comes in Threes (3) is Perfect’
Rule of Three (3)
People look for patterns, and three things is the smallest amount to have for a pattern. The Rule of Three has a natural feel to it, since it is so engrained in so many things we commonly see. People can typically remember 3 or 4 things, so a shorter list does not confuse.
Complex Ideas, Stories, or Events broken down into 3s is more Memorable & Effective. I believe there is also something subconscious we like with simple math. Math and geometry underpin many things (design, architecture, city planning, etc), so we see it, but do not see it.?
How widespread is the Rule of Three?
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s advice, “Be sincere, be brief, be seated.?
Joke has 3 parts - Premise, Punch Line, Tag Line or Setup, Twist, Punch Line
Matter has 3 States – Solid, Liquid, Gas
Screenplays and Plays have 3 Acts
Movies – Trilogy
Lord of the Rings books (3) Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, Return of the King
Dickens – 3 Christmas Ghosts, Past, Present & Future
Baseball – 3 strikes for a batter, and 3 outs per inning for the team
Born, Live, Die / Morning, Day, Night
Sun, Earth and the Moon? / Earth, Wind and Fire
Three Amigos, Three Blind Mice, Three Little Pigs, Three Musketeers, Three Stodges…
Olympic Medals – Gold, Silver and Bronze
Horse racing Finish – Win, Place & Show
Bible has the Three Wise Men
Religion has the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, & the Holy Spirit
Court – Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Government – 3 Branches, Executive, Judicial, Legislative
How to use the Rule of Three in Business
Management – discipline policy in threes – Verbal Warning, Written Warning, Consequence
Review – compliment sandwich, start with a praise of what employee does well, tell employee what needs to be improved, end with advice?
Sales often provides 3 Product offerings – Good , Better, Best
Minimally want the prospect to pick the middle one, better features, but not the high price of Best option
Cars – economy, sedan, luxury model
Retail Sizes – small, medium, large ?
Rule of Three in sales, when asking probing Qs of prospects. Keep asking Qs until uncover 3 needs the prospect has so you can show the value of yoru product to help them with those needs.
Marketing Slogans often come in 3s – This luxury car is the fastest, sleekest, and safest ride out there ?
Branding Position usually has 3 big players in a market – McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendys
Coke, Pepsi, and ? ?
Because of the Rule of Three – people often cannot pay attention to a fourth brand in the market. It is not uncommon that the 1st position has 2x market share of #2, and 3 had small %, and then all others share rest of the Market, usually around 10%.?
?Tagline – have 3 sayings within the logo
?Marketing – make 3 points, shows order, and is memorable
Website or Slide – show content in 3 columns
First we will discuss 1., then 2., and finally close with 3.
Cluster your main ideas in 3 bullet points
Story Structure - beginning, middle, end
Speech in 3 sections –
Three Core ideas of the Speech
Tell Them What you’re going to Tell Them
Tell Them
Tell Them What You just Told Them?
Use the Rule of Three for the 3 sections of your speech, then have 3 points per section
Repeat phrases 3x to connect each section of the speech
Photographers break their photo into thirds (3 sections), and then have the subject stand off center. The rule of thirds is?a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open.
Next time we will talk about the significance of Seven (7), but that is a tale for another day.
If you need more to think about 3 is also a Prime Number, just like 7……?