No Rule, No Problem: Who’s Looking Out For You?

No Rule, No Problem: Who’s Looking Out For You?

The word “fiduciary” is being used regularly in the news. But what is a fiduciary and are they all created equal? Many financial advisors play different roles and it’s important to understand the distinctions.

A broker or banker can recommend investments that are merely “suitable” for you. A fiduciary, on the other hand, by law makes recommendations that are in your best interest. What do you gain with a fiduciary? Protection from conflicts of interest that could impact your portfolio.

For a little background, the US Department of Labor proposed the “Fiduciary Rule” in 2015, a regulation that would greatly expand the definition of “investment advice fiduciary” under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Some people refer to it as the “client-first” rule, because it would require investment advisors servicing retirement accounts to put their clients’ interests above all else, prohibiting all sorts of commissions, kickbacks and conflicts of interests.

Adopting the new standard would be a boon to American savers, and figures like John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group, argued that it should go even further. “I think it’s fair to say we’re at the beginning of an arc of finance that is bending toward fiduciary duty,” Bogle said at a public event.

Unfortunately for American investors, the rule has been delayed. The January 1, 2018, date is now July 1, 2019, to allow further analysis of its effects. Reading between the lines, it might never go into effect.

One think tank estimated that the 18 month delay could cost $10.9 billion dollars in the long term for people with retirement savings.

The good news is that even without regulation, there’s nothing to prevent you from seeking out the best standard of care you can find. A True Fiduciary? advisor already adheres to strict standards that put the interests of your family first. If you have an advisor – or you’re seeking one for the future – you should settle for nothing less than someone who is looking out for you.

“The extension of the fiduciary standard will be a long battle, but it is a battle we will win,” Bogle concluded.

Make yourself a New Year’s resolution and find an advisor who puts your interests first. And get it in writing.


At PagnatoKarp, our focus is on YOU. We go beyond wealth management to elevate your lifestyle so you have more time to spend on what matters to you most.

We offer digitally integrated, in-house services for investment, planning, tax, legal, private banking, family governance, concierge, and travel. With True Fiduciary? Standards and Family Office services, you receive transparent advice focused on safety of assets, simplicity, and cost.

To discuss YOUR needs, please call 703-468-2700 or


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