Rule of Life Lesson #133: Complacency kills creativity.
Behind the scenes on the set of #tishatalks LIVE @ 4:45pm and a lesson I follow every single week!

Rule of Life Lesson #133: Complacency kills creativity.

I remember when I was mentoring a young woman and she told me that her business had grown stagnant. It was doing really well at the start, but she felt she wasn't being challenged anymore, and could see that even though she was experiencing success in her business currently, she noticed a slight decline both in her sales and her team's performance.

I asked her, "What are you going to do differently to bring life back into your business? What new things are you trying?"

Pleasantly surprised at her answer, she said, "I'm not doing anything new. Haven't thought about it."

And that's when this brilliant term popped right into my head. It's a term I use pretty frequently not just for those I mentor, but as a reminder for me, too.


Ever heard of the term fixed mindset vs. growth mindset? 

As individuals, we can NEVER find ourselves in a fixed mindset because when we do, that's when our growth comes to a dead stop. We must always be changing up the game, challenging ourselves to new heights, adapting to the world around us, and continuously be reading, learning and filling our minds. 

On September 1, 2020, I decided to do something I had never done before.

I created my own LIVE stream on Streamyard called #tishatalks LIVE @ 4:45pm. For one, it was catchy. Two, it forced me out of my comfort zone as I was now producing, hosting, interviewing and delivering the content and three, it held me accountable to myself.

It didn't matter who was watching, be it one person or 1 million, I showed up ready to deliver a show to the best of my ability - even LIVE which has its fair share of tech difficulties as I've been made well aware. Ever had hail interrupt your broadcast? Been there!

Even with the fear settling in during those first several runs at it, I saw something in me shift.

My confidence.

I started having more new faces show up each time I pushed that LIVE button and it created more conversations, a new way to think and keep me on my toes, which then led to even better relationships and more opportunities!

All because I refused to stay stagnant, do the same old, same old and let complacency kill my creativity.

Think about your own growth journey. If you're in this for the long haul, never let complacency kill your creativity to be bold, do better and continuously shine your light out in this world. It's time YOU CHANGE THE GAME and YOUR STORY.

Rule of Life Lesson #133: 

About the Author:

Hi. I'm Tisha Marie Pelletier. Thanks so very much for stopping by and reading this story of mine!

After writing my life's journey in a couple of books for my kiddos Caleb and Ellie when I boarded the entrepreneurial roller coaster, it dawned on me that the story doesn't ever end. There are so many new adventures and life lessons I've encountered along the way.

So, what's my new mission?

Leave a legacy and continue writing my story on my blog while adding a little extra personality to it with video rule of life lessons. If you'd like to read the lessons I learned before this (all 88), check out my complete story from the start in my books When the Universe Throws a Curveball (2010) on Amazon and What Are the Odds (2018) on both Amazon and Audible. Catch other #ruleoflifelessons on my blog released every single Monday at 

Grab my complimentary e-book too while you're there The Gal's Inspirational Guide to a More Purposeful Life.

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David Falato

Empowering brands to reach their full potential

1 天前

Tisha, thanks for sharing! How are you?

Daryn Rowley

Graphic design + illustration to MOVE people | Print + Digital

3 年

Your goal-setting and meeting those goals is such an inspiration. "Complacency kills creativity."—TMP! That's for sure, Tisha Marie Pelletier.

Michael Henderson

Information Technology Executive and Sr. Manager

3 年

Great post and thanks


