Renee Ruin
Digital, Music, Artist Liaison, Events, Marketing, Tours, Brands, Content, Writer, Podcaster, Blogger, Podcaster, Live Music Photographer, Film & TV Entertainment professional, DE&I Advocate & Mental Health Ambassador.
This month's RUIN RADIO Mixtape is now live!! ?
Track Listing below;
1. Red Right Hand - Iggy Pop & Jarvis Cocker
2. Gimme All you Lovin - (r)
3. King of Bones - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
4. Dancing Prick - Crime of Passing
5. Saturn Knows I'm Here - Age Eternal
6. It Kills - The Soft Moon
7. Divine Song - Death Of Lovers
8. Suffer - GLAARE
9. Silent Like a Father - Azar Swan
10. Stop Dragging My Heart Around - Hether Fortune
11. The Willow Tree - Closed Circuits