Rudiments of Discipleship




David Best Emmanuel

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Discipleship is the creating, the making, and the forming of a replica. This demands the process of learning and byond learning, living the life of the discipler.

The Christian discipleship is a transmission of some spiritual genetic features in the process of being begotten of Christ, carried in all the minutest part of your being. The reproduction of a kind bears with it the spiritual resemblance transmitted. The intent is to conform to the image of Christ the Son of God. You can only live another man’s life when you have completely put him on and his life completely swallowed

you up.

Definition of Terms

For easy comprehension and assimilation, it is expedient to define some terminologies as we shall be meeting them as go further. The Lord will help us to understand by faith the simplicity of Christ in discipleship as we study in Jesus Name.

1. DISCIPLESHIP: Is a process of training or making a disciple become like his master.

2. DISCIPLER: Is a person who has learned and yet learning to conform to Christ stature and is qualified to raise or make another a disciple in the order of Christ.

3. DISCIPLE: Is a learner, trainee, apprentice, or student intending to become like his master- a Replica.

4. SERVANT/SLAVE: Is a person who has lost everything he has in this world, his liberty, will, even his name to his master. He is one who has no independent existence.

5. LORD: Is the maximum authority, the First One, the One above everything else, the owner of all creation.

Objectives of Discipleship

Majorly, what we want to achieve in this book are:

Seeing Jesus Christ as the only pattern Discipler to be emulated, both in life and principle.

Rekindledling discipleship in the consciousness of God’s children.

De-emphasizing man-centered discipleship in the Body of Christ.

Discovering the inevitability and the indispensability of discipleship in the Christian walk with God.

Exposing excesses and deceptions in the discipleship methods, ideals, concepts, and principles, all which have been imported by man into discipleship processes.

Getting brethren inspired and spurred into doing things the right way of the Master Jesus Christ.

Leading believers into maturing into the image and the full stature of Christ.


Purpose is the function or aim for which something exists. Whatever is done revolves around purpose. Our thoughts, actions, habits, character, and of course, destiny anchors on purpose. Discipleship is not an exemption. What then is the purpose of dicipleship? Here are a few:

To raise a people of Christ-like character and nature.

To communicate the vision, purpose and concept of the kingdom.

To continue in the word of God.

To provide support for leadership in the progressive advancement of the kingdom.

To help an individual discover his/her place in the ministerial service of the Spirit.

To perpetually focus on the teachings of Christ and the apostles until Christ is fully formed in us.


Discipleship is a disciplined exercise expressed in someone’s life. It is inevitable because of its importance for the following reasons:

It is the commandment of God (Matt 28:19)

It is the means of communication and impartation of Christ life.

The work of the kingdom is enormous and labourers are few to accomplish the task (Matt 9:37-38).

It is the means of spiritual reproduction of a kind in the order of Christ.

For the continuation and preservation of the purpose, vision and concept of God’s kingdom.

For the maturation in the things of the Spirit of God.

To make one responsible and accountable in God’s kingdom economy.

It gives a sense of belonging in the programme of God for mankind.

It makes the work of the ministry lighter when burden is shared with the leadership.

It is to manifest Jesus Christ as He IS. (2 Cor 5:16).

The demand and the necessity of the gospel. (2 Cor 9:16-22).

It’s to fight the good fight of faith and to finish the course. (2 Tim 4:7).


In any competition there must of a necessity be rules that guide the participants. It gives the modus operandi which determines who is disqualified. You must play according to the rules otherwise, even though you out-ran everyone, you may not qualify. (See 2 Tim 2:5; Gal 6:16; Phil 3:16). There are rules in discipleship that we cannot afford to ignore. You should understand that:

1. You are God’s property bought at a price. You can no longer do as you like. Whatever order the Master gives, you must obey without questioning his authority.

2. Jesus Christ is the prime focus, not any man. You dare not allow anybody or anything distract you attention. Your eye must be single to focus steadfastly on your goal. (Matt 10:24.) You must follow in the footsteps of Christ and not ahead of Him, that is, you must wait on Him for instructions and guidance. You dare not try to impress him to do stupid things.

3. You must be called by Him and not by any man’s appointment or recommendation only. Since your call is unto him, you must stay with him all the time . (Heb 5:4.) You must not engage in any unhealthy provocation of competition motivated by envy as seen in the case of Saul and David. Whatever you do in obedience gives satisfaction, peace and joy. Whether you sit, sing or pray in obedience, it pleases the Master more than doing

what pleases you - 1 Sam 18:7-9.

4. Don’t question the authority of Christ, only trust and obey. Avoid trying to prove you know more than your Master. Humbly learn and politely ask your question with an attitude of wanting to learn. Don’t preempt your teacher, consider whatever you are taught. (Matt 16:22-23.) Don’t try to impress your discipler by doing what he didn’t ask you to do. Behave yourself wisely like David before king Saul. (2 Samuel 18:14.) Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Don’t be hasty in word and deeds. - Jas 1:19.

5. Abide where he keeps you and be contented. Learn to be appreciative of what little thing he does for you - (1Cor 1:26-29; 1Cor 12:20-26; 2 Sam 18:28-29.) You must endeavor to know your Master by revelation - (Matt 16:15-17.) Others include:

Never despise discipline - Prov 15:32; 19:20.

Be sure you really count the cost - Matt 16:24-25.

Be ready for any thing - 2 Tim 2:3-4; 1 Pet 4:12-19.

Do not give excuses, complaints or murmur in whatsoever - Lk 14:18-20.

Fix your love, interests and concerns firston your Master. - Jn 21:15.

Chapter 2


“… in HIM we live, and move, and have our being..” (Acts 17:28)

In discipleship, the life of the discipler is the scope and the curriculum for training. The discipler’s life is the much the disciple can be. The discipler is the limitation of the disciple. Since it is difficult to give what one does not posses, then it is true that only the source can produce the resources for the making of its kind. Discipleship involves the creation of what is lacking in the disciple’s life; and the nurturing unto maturity what is.

Note the following facts:

Your distorted image will be formed into His intended image. It is not an academic exercise per-se but an impartation of life. It is not what you attempt to do for your Master but what you submitted yourself to him to do with, for, in and through you for His own pleasure.

Your Master would do with you as it seems good in his sight.

He will send you where you would not naturally want to go. He dictates the way you should go and not the way you would like to go.This includes the discovery, the grooming, the forming, the making, the practise, and the commissioning of the disciples. Unfortunately ours is the generation that hates discomfort, inconveniences and a little stress. What it loves to do is sleep, eat and play. But leisure and pleasure are alien to the

discipleship lifestyles.

Discipleship is meant to train disciples on how to walk, talk, sit, stand, and eat in a manner consistent with who they are. The divine nature is the focus here.

Discipleship is responsible to make you who you should be. It is not what you will bring to Him but what you will be to Him.

Are you ready for all these? It is more like a military training school where you are trained to live according to the life specified which a little above the common. Yes, it involves the stretching beyond the usual for days without food, water, sleep, sex and comfort. They defy most things common with the civilian. They are misunderstood often because they looked abnormal. They don’t really come to form with the norms outside the jurisdiction of their profession. But it is worth it.

Discipleship continues until there is absolute conformity to the image of Christ Jesus. He is the standard measure, the end result and the scope we all must aspire to conform to in life and practice. This matter of discipling one’s thoughts, desires, emotions, habits; and of training one’s spirit, soul and body to function on the level of the mind, nature, wisdom and power of Christ, is of the greatest importance which spells the difference between success and failure in the kingdom of God. To finish this course, marks the difference between being in the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus, and a nominal citizen in the kingdom of heaven. Too many saints are weak, frustrated and defeated. I pray the dynamite of God’s Spirit blow us all out of the low places of lethargy, discouragement, oppression and defeat, into a vibrant walk with Christ; in the high places of peace, joy, and triumph of His kingdom, in Jesus Christ Name, Amen.

Thus, Robert Coleman, in his classic Master Plan of Evangelism,describes Jesus’ approach said:

‘When one stops to think of it, this was incredibly simple way of doing it. Jesus had no formal school, no seminaries, no outlined course of study, no periodic membership classes in which he enrolled His followers. None of these highly organized procedures considered so necessary today entered at all into His ministry. Amazing as it may seem, all Jesus did to teach these men His way was to draw them close to Himself. He was His own school and curriculum.”

The Metamorphosis

Discipleship answers the question of essence. It is a process of metamorphosis where changes are provoked through the stages of development. It therefore must be a precept upon precept, and a line upon line, a little here and a little there; laying the building blocks of life with the right attitude, character and integrity.

Discipleship revolves around the life of Christ: how He lived, and what He lived for on earth. He fulfilled

all terms and conditions for the perfect image of God intended originally for the first Adam. It is not simply learning methods, and principles of life or theology and philosophy, it is all about living the life of God as seen in Christ Jesus. The evolving life of God in a man through the instrumentality of the Spirit by the Word is discipleship.

Since the earth is the place of training and the practical demonstration of the life; hence we are planted to germinate and bringforth fruit of Christ’s kind in the earth. And of a truth, ‘By their fruit ye shall know (discern) them’. Dear friend, how are you living before your disciples? What is your life writing upon their hearts? How can we describe the impressions you leave on these lives? It can’t be different from who you really are.

Ed Ryan said, “who you are is more important than what you know”

Discipleship is all encompassing in the sense that it involves PARENTING, APPRENTICESHIP AND MENTORSHIP. It’s a complete package of God by which a child of God is brought up in the proper way of God’s life. It is a pity Education is misunderstood in our nation today. It is not an impartation of knowledge. It has a root in Latin word ‘educatio’ meaning ‘To draw out or to bring out from within’ that which is already in one’s life. The seed of Christ in us is what is nurtured to maturity through Discipleship. (See 1 Jn 3:9). Only the seed has the power to reproduce itself, but must be released to die. The great things God has put inside of us are in seed form. Unless you drop it in the belly of the earth to die, it will not increase. The ability to understand that by loosing it you can gain it is the score for man to settle.

“God sees beyond our vessels of clay to His wisdom within us and calls forth what He sees.” – Myles Munroe.

You can understand, why the choice of a disciple is not determined by what he is but who he is. The parent, mentor or teacher is responsible to help bring out the potentials in a child, servant or student to active use. This usually is what they don’t see in themselves or imaginably possible in their lives. There is more to your life you don’t know anything about until you submit to parenting, apprenticeship and mentorship. God has designed discipleship to raise a people to conform to the image of His dear Son Jesus Christ. And God had instituted the home to be the cradle where this process must begin from, extending to the society then to the world at large.

Let us consider synonymous processes with discipleship:


This is discipleship in the sphere of formal training within the fabrics of societal norms, cultural values, and familial union where the home becomes the plaform for that necessity. It is the foundation for character formation and destiny projection. This is where certain traits in the lives of the parent is transferred and

inherited by the child. It is the interaction between the source and the resource. It is the point of information or deformation. You need God’s intervention to get things right here, because any addition or subtraction from the original substance is a deformity.

Every distortion and mutation starts right there, to say the least. The problems of the society, the church, and the nation is the home. And bad enough, the women who were suppose to keep the home have become the breadwinner of the home, simply because men have failed in their responsibilities as the head of the home. You could see this picture in the beginning, when Eve became the one fending for the family, she got the food from the wrong source for her husband. The husband (Adam) asked no question as to how she got it. What a gullible husband he was! He just took it, and he ate it. Such is the bad testimony of most parents. Child abuse, child neglect, child trafficking, rape and incest is not uncommon because of their exposure to this evil and corrupt world.

The children are helpless when the parents themselves encourage such lifestyle. Listen to one of the statement of Michelle Obama, the First Lady, United States of America:

“I come here as a mum, as a mum whose girls are the heart of my heart and the centre of my world. They are the first things I think about when I wake up in morning and the last thing I think about before I go to bed in the night. Their future and all our children’s future is my stake.”

I hope our parents are thinking the same thought about the future of our children. Those at the helms of affairs in our nation have mortgaged the future of the generation yet unborn. What a heartache? As a parent, what foundation are you laying for the future of these children?

Now, bringing this to discipleship, you will see the laxity in most of the so called ‘Ministers’ who have neglected their homes in the name of their so called ‘calling’. Go back home, that is where to start Ministry. If you failed there you have failed in all. A discipler is a parent to a disciple who is a child. If you cannot manage your home well forget discipling anyone. Is your house open to the brethren? Can anyone feel at home in your house?


This is discipleship in the sphere of vocational training, where talent and gift is built to a productive and consumable level to impact positively on other lives, thereby giving them reason and purpose for living. This is focused on skill development and refining. Dexterity is nurtured overtime with thorough supervision and discipline. The ability to think fast, make a precise decision and improvise where necessary is driven into him by and by. Wisdom, knowledge and understanding become indispensable virtues needful to stand out amongst equals.

Jesus Christ told the parable of the talent. He was simply teaching a trade that requires the afore mentioned necessities. Profit is not only the focus in business, relationship goes a long way to keep it steady. If you

cannot manage the little you are given well, you have just shut the door against receiving further help. ‘Occupy till I come’ is not speaking to a lazy person.

Most people stopped working because they are ‘called’. Yet, they sleep at home waiting for service days to function. Who would this kind of people service? What do you call such a calling? And you expect someone else to work in order to give you his hard earned money to feed a slothful servant like you?

God has not called anyone to a lazy and begging around Ministry international. Think of how you would correct someone whose income you depend upon if he messed up in your church. It will be difficult for people like you so-called Minister to preach like John the Baptist did when he said; ‘Thou generation of vipers,’ preaching to his congregation. At another time when rebuking King Herod, he said: ‘It is wrong for you to take your brother’s wife’ what a bold statement of conviction spoken against the king. I presumed you dare not do that, else your pot of soup, your children school fees and your house rent was gone. What a shame? No wonder, they have become like dumb dogs that cannot bark. Blind, and cannot see.


This is discipleship in the sphere of leadership training. A mentor has experience on his side to give leverage to the inexperienced in a particular area of need. A ‘mentor’ according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 6th Edition, ‘is an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time‘

Experience therefore, is an acquired knowledge and skill through what one has learned, received, heard and seen in a person or situation and circumstances of life that is being put into practice over time until it becomes a part of the individual.

“The best mentor is not a how-to book or a technique but a life.”- Charles .R. Swindoll.

A Mentor is more interested in making you what you ought to BE than what you think you ought to have or bring. Jethro, Moses’ father in-law played this role in a flash to rescue the life and Ministry of his son in-law. And the closer you stay with your Mentor, the more you become like him. One Yoruba proverb says: If a leave stays long enough with soap, it soon becomes the same.’ The standard model for everyone is Jesus Christ. He is the perfect image of God lost in Eden in the beginning. The shifting technique Adam employed in his Ministry cost him a great loss of everything. It’s just the way many started out in Ministry out of mere zeal and gifting following the deception of the Devil, the master schemer. This already revealed how far such Ministry would go, because zeal without the deep knowledge of God is dangerous and would end in disaster. Jesus Christ the pattern Ministry did not start the way most people are going about it this day. Have you ever considered that?

He was in perfect communion with His Father in prayer and fasting (His desire, emotion, appetite, imagination, tongue, pleasure, and will). He waited for the appointed time His Father had ordained while under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit. He was tested and tried in the wilderness (School) of His training in all manner of ways and was found without sin, so, He was inaugurated and declared the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness. Then, He began to make (bring forth) disciple in His order: “And He goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto Him whom He would: and they came unto Him.” (Mark 3:13)

Who mentored you? Joshua received of the spirit of Moses while Elisha received of the spirit of Elijah. Jesus Christ breathed on His disciples to receive the Holy Spirit. Of whose spirit have you received? Where did you learn your practice from? Discipleship cannot be compromised if your ministry is to prolong the days of the Lord Jesus Christ. Which of these would you rather choose?

If you want to stay in Ministry for awhile, jump into it.

If you want to stay in Ministry for a little longer time, copy other Ministries.

If you want to stay in Ministry for a much longer time, get a mentor.

If you want to stay in Ministry from generation to generation, make disciples.

Only a hungry man will need food so desperately. And until he is satisfied he will not rest. Jesus Christ was not looking for the satisfied, but the hungered, the thirsty, the blind, the deaf and dumb, the homeless, the sick and afflicted who are in dare need of solution or remedy to their hopeless state. Consider the category of people who came to David in his hiding from King Saul before he was crowned king:

“David therefore departed thence, and escaped to the cave Adullam: and when his brethren and all his father’s house heard it, they went down thither to him. And every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men.” (1 Samuel 22:1-2)

As you read this write up, allow the inward searching of the Holy Spirit, and if He should see in you a humble heart and a contrite spirit, such that trembles at His word, He will not despise you. God has declared vacancy for discipleship, apply right now. The only remedy to waywardness, lukewarmness, worldliness and shallowness in Christianity is Discipleship. Woe unto them that are contented, satisfied and comfortable with the present state of the church; its fragmentation in this dispensation; its pollution and desecration of the holy thing by the dogs; and the trampling of the precious pearls of the kingdom by the swine. It is a tragedy that the white linen of purity has been spotted and wrinkled.

‘For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.’ (Isaiah 28:8)

Enlightenment must come to the ignorant in the things of the Spirit, and then he will be able to discern the rubbish being served to him on daily basis. A closer look at discipleship will not be a fruitless effort to

bring the desired knowledge. O Lord, grant us understanding of the mystery of discipleship in Jesus Christ Name. Amen.

In view of this, discipleship is more than getting to know what the teacher knows. It is getting to BE what the teacher IS. It is the communication of life. It is pointing the disciple to Jesus Christ the center and the standard of God for all mankind. It is the quarry of God’s dealing and processing of the raw materials for the perfect edifice for God’s dwelling. It is not another reformation that is needed here but a clear cut transformation in all sense of the new life. (See Romans 12:1-2).

It is the radical change of the content of a vessel and filling it with a fresh unadulterated one. You shouldn’t get discouraged because you couldn’t see rapid improvement like you expected it, but it is happening. Because He is at work already in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. It is like the growth and development in a child, though not noticeable, but it is really on going.

‘Don’t be afraid of going slowly, says a Chinese proverb, ’Be afraid of standing still.”



This concept is not a new innovation in the days of the Christ. All through Bible history there were men who understood that their life is short and the enormity of the work they must accomplish kept on piling up and cannot be finished in their life time. They knew that without involving others who are willing to be trained to continue the vision, it will die someday.

Then, they decided to raise people on the job for continuity beyond their life time, and if need be improve the quality and quantity of services they must have left behind. So, the transference of the vision becomes inevitable and indispensable too. Hence the recruitment for training to preserve their ideologies, thoughts and concepts which you and I is enjoying to this day. This concept is what gave birth to school; where training and re-training is being done. And discipleship operates upon this concept. It becomes a medium through which information is disseminated from generation to generation.

Abraham raised his servants to become warriors. God decided not to hide certain information from him, for He testified that He knew Abraham would instruct his children in the way of the Lord. Moses is another character that God often instruct to rehearse His commandment in the hearing of His people so that they would not be forgetful of it, and should be passed on to their children after them for posterity.(See

Gen 18:19; Due 31:19-).

This concept is pivoted on two other concepts which give it a stand. It is the concept of LORDSHIP and of SERVANTHOOD.


The concept of lordship is not something with which we are familiar today. Our traditional leaders, such as the kings and chiefs to whom we ascribe titles and honours no longer possess the aura of a king over them. In the same vein, to call Jesus the ‘Lord’ doesn’t really say anything strongly to us today. Why, because our languages are loosing the power of meaning for the past few centuries now. Most words have become mere slangs or obsolete that this present generation could hardly come to term with. In this pursuit, we have to reflect on the meaning such words had back then to appreciate the power, beauty and the influence of such word as the ‘Lord’.


The word ‘Lord’, as in starting with a capital letter ‘L’ was ascribed to JESUS CHRIST. The same was ascribed to CAESAR but being indicated with a small letter ‘l’. For this the early Christians suffered a great deal of persecution. Then, the manner of greetings was a demonstration of loyalty to their king and they had to greet each other as ‘the lord is Caesar’; and the other replied ‘Caesar is the lord’. This was too difficult for Christian to do because JESUS CHRIST is the one who deserved and merited the title. And such was a temptation too expensive to yield to; they rather suffer the consequence than utter such blasphemy.

The Lord has the maximum authority over anything and everything in his domain. He is in charge and in full control of every situation within his territory. As the ‘Lord’, He gives order and no one dare question His authority. God has made Jesus both LORD and CHRIST. (See Acts 2:36; 1Kings 18:39; Phil 2:11). To disobey Him is to ruin your life. He does not plead or give an invitation or option of choice. He gives only orders that must be obeyed promptly and with haste.

Consider Jesus meeting with Zaccheus for the first time. He did not seek his opinion He just ordered: “Zaccheus, hurry, come down…” (Luke 19:5).

Another occasion when the storm raged, He gave an order: “Be still…”(Mk 4:39).

He doesn’t have to shout or scream before He could be obeyed. As the Lord, He determines the boundaries of all things. This is the Lord in action. Under this condition can there be a genuine and perfect formation in discipleship. Jesus gave a perfect dimension to this.

“Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (See Jn 13:13-14).


This brings us to the face of the Ox which is symbolic of servant hood. For it is the largest and most useful of all domestic animals and is historically a beast of burden, one that draws wagons, plow fields, can be milked and gives meat, a servant to man from time immemorial. With the face of the Ox, Christ is revealed and manifested as the compassionate servant of all. (See Phil 2:7; Gen 17:12-13; Exo 21:2-11).

The Unprofitable Servant

“Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

A servant is synonymous with a slave. A servant in the first century was a genuine slave. He was the slave of mister so and so. He was sold out at a price. He lost his name, liberty, will, and life and leaves it at the mercy of his Master. He has no right whatsoever any longer. He was entitled to nothing. His wife and children belong to his Master. His work, sleep, money, and he were his Master’s. Someone had bought him, taken him home, and bored a hole in his ear so he could wear a ring with his master’s name on it.(See Luke 17:7-10). He does the chores readily. He was just an unworthy servant. (See Exo 21:1-10). Mary called herself a bond slave of the Lord.

Servants or Slaves obey orders. A disciple is a bond slave of Jesus Christ who does not say to his Master ‘do this or that’ rather he says ‘what would you have me to do?’(See Acts 9:6). His Master determines his next line of action or assignment (See Rom 14:7-9).

The joy of a servant is to please his Master. Therefore, there is no such thing as the ‘great servant of God’. If he is ‘great’, he is not a servant. We are fond of flattering titles. Listen to Job’s statement, he said,

‘For I know not to give flattering titles; in so doing my maker would soon take me away.’(Job 32:22).

Apostle Peter addressed Apostle Paul as ‘Brother Paul’ in his writing (See 2 Pet3:15). Most of the so-called Ministers of God today would feel humiliated for not appending their self imposed designation when addressing them. They have become inflated with pride riding to destruction unknowingly. No slave has a name or title only such as is given to him by his Master. We love the position of prominence so much that we have created one for our wives. They are called Mummy G.O (i.e. woman general overseer). And this goes to mean that, since the husband is called, the wife is automatically called too. We knew how Eve, Jezebel and Attaliah handled such position for the records. I have tried to see such role played by the apostles’ wives, though I am still searching. I wish I can reconcile that in the Word of God beside the fact that they are help-meets to their husbands. Through discipline and obedience things could change for a fully surrendered slave. Have you surrendered absolutely?

“He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length.” (Proverbs 29:21)

You are simply a Mr. Slave though freed, but not independent of Christ. You cannot attain anything in Christ unless you are called as the disciples were called and tested. If you are not contented with being called a brother in Christ, you are simply a proud fellow and you need to repent immediately. There is no room for the proud and rebellious fellow in discipleship. Peter simply surrendered when he was asked to do contrary to what he had learnt for years concerning fishing; he just said in submission, ‘At your word Master,’ and he let down the net for a great catch. No questionings, arguments, debates or suggestions; just obey whatsoever He told you to do. I hope you can hear me Mr. Slave. Whatever you do is because of the Master and only for His pleasure. Therefore, whatsoever He bade you to do, do it.

Chapter 4


John the Baptist made Jesus Christ the central focus in Discipleship. From the inception of His ministry as the Fore-runner of Jesus Christ up to the fulfilment of it he did not claim equality with or superiority over Jesus. He told his disciples and the people in plain terms that he was not the Christ. And when the Christ showed up he pointed his disciples to Him. Discipleship is the panacea to ministerial problems.

“And the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus” (John 1:35-37)

John did not accuse Jesus of stealing his disciples to make up his team of disciples. John did not mak himself the focus but Jesus Christ. Are you not the antichrist usurping the place of Christ’s authority when you make yourself the focus? My Ministry, my church, and my members is perpetually on the lips of the christian leaders. Their achievement is only in numbers but not in the quality of spiritual growth seen in the lives of these members. When Christ is pushed aside in any christian gatherings crisis is inevitable and what you have is a club.

The central focus in discipleship must be Jesus Christ or else it is not Christian Discipleship. Most disciplers have usurped the place of Jesus Christ in discipleship. They lord themselves over the flocks of God. When the character of a discipler is questionable he puts people under the bondage of the law to gain control over them which is another spiritual enslavement. Don’t entertain the spirit of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, neither should you encourage the spirit of Aaron and Mariam against God’s servant. The consequ 

ence is not usually palatable. However, you as the leader must be careful not to heap upon yourself an undue attention that God deserved.

Jesus Christ is the central focus in discipleship because:

He is the Author and Finisher of our faith – Hebs 12:2.

He is made Lord and Christ by God - Acts 2:36.

He is the Chosen of God who pleased Him and upon whom the Spirit of God rested - Lk 4:18.

Him has the Father sealed - Jn 6:27.

He teaches with authority - Matt 7:29.

In His name the gentiles trust and to Him all knees shall bow and tongues confess as Lord -Phil 2:10-11.

To him is power given to give eternal life - Jn 17:2.

He is the way, the truth and the life - Jn 14:6.

He is the sacrificial Lamb of God - Rev 17:7.

He is the work of God - Jn6:28-29.

He is God’s Message- Heb 1:2 Jn 5:39-40.

He is the spiritual habitat - Acts17:28.

He is the life and light of men - John1:4.

He is full of grace and truth - Jn1:17.

He is the power and wisdom of God - 1Cor 1:24.

He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God - Matt 16:16.

He IS, that is above the suggestions and advises of men - Matt 16:22-23; 17:4-5.

He is the same all the time - Heb 13:8.

He cannot be defended by man – Mat. 26:51-52.

He is the Image of God - Heb 1:3.

He is the High Priest - Heb 4:15

He is the Good Shepherd - Jn 10:11.

He is the Resurrection and the Life - Jn 11:25.

He did the will of God - Jn 6:38.

Jesus’ life and character becomes the course and the curriculum any discipleship school must focus and measure up to.


Let us learn from Dr. Essek William Kenyon, how he brought people into his home to disciple them:

“I remember distinctly when the day came for me to become a disciple; I was a preacher; it was about the

time I received the Holy Spirit. [He received the Holy Spirit in February 1897.] I learned this truth, then for about a year and a half I fooled about [with] the thing. One day I found out what it meant to be a disciple. I never told any other man that he had to do it, but for me personally to be a disciple, this was what I had to do. I had to give up my own home; I had to take into my home people who did not have a home, and the privacy of my house ceased. Then I had to give up my own property over to other people and let them have the use of it.

I remember the furniture I had purchased, and the Father only knows how hard it was for me to pay for after I began to preach for four hundred dollars a year. It was no easy matter. I did not believe it was right for a sinner to be in debt, and certainty not for a Christian. I had paid for that furniture, and had paid for it out of blood money; when I saw that furniture broken up by the boys that I was taking care of, it was hard. It was like sleighing when the snow is gone.

I had some dishes. If any man likes pretty China, I think I do. I had some good dishes. I had a hard fight to pay for them, and saw the gilt washed off them. I saw them broken, one by one. Discipleship meant business with me. Then everything else went until my library became public property. Now, it may not mean to you that you give up your home, but it may mean that your home is no longer to be yours alone, but the home of any one whom the Holy Spirit may send there.” End quote.

The Apostle Paul said:

“Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ….and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you” (1 Corinthians 11:1,2c)

“Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:” (Phil 3:17- 18)

A discipler is an individual who has learned and yet learning to conform to Christ full stature and at the same time qualified to raise or make another a disciple in the order of Christ. There are so many pastors, preachers and General overseers that have not traveled this way at all. And this is obvious in their lifestyle within and without. You can stop this nonsense and learn what it takes to be a discipler.

A true discipler’s traits include the followings:

He is mature and exercising himself to discern both good and evil (See Heb 5:14).

He is not a novice in the things of the Spirit (See Jn 6:39).

He has a clear goal and a strong motivation to help others and his life models Christ in prayers, love, nature and character with a well developed strategies to raise others (See1Cor 11:1; 2 Tim 2:1-7).

He lives an opened, honest and transparent life (See Jn 1:20,23; Rom 2:17-24)

He bears burden and proffers solutions to problems of his disciples decisively and precisely (SeeLk 4:38-39)

He points his disciples to Jesus Christ (See Jn 1:35-39)

He is not a hireling (See Jn 10:12-13).

He gives his life for his disciples (See Jn 10:11).

He celebrates his disciples if they are doing better than him and does not victimize them (See Phil 2:21).

He shares with his disciples his vision, mission and purpose, pains and joy (See Matt 9:10-13; Mk 2:15-17; Jn 18:37).

He rebukes, authorizes, and delegates responsibilities to his disciples and intercedes for them (See Jn 17:9,12-15)

He is an under shepherd (See 1 Pet 5:2).

He eats, sleeps, and interacts with them (See Matt 12:1-3; Mk 7:2,5,18-23; Lk 21:14-15).

He teaches and instructs his disciples after Christ. (See Jn 1:19-20; 1 Tim 4:12-16).

He sees those who love the word of God as his family (See Lk 8:19-21).

Do you have a few of the highlighted graces in your life as a discipler? Why do you want to start a ‘church’ which requires even more grace to bear? You were supposed to lead while others follow, imitating your way of life: the way you dress, talk, preach and teach, pray and evangelize, and your relationship at home with your wife (not wives) and children. Is there any quality in your life to emulate? Is your shoulder broad enough for someone to lean on? Do a self appraisal based on the previously highlighted characters and responsibilities. If you are not qualified, then stop the nonsense and retrace your steps back to God.


A disciple is one who follows Jesus Christ and acknowledges Him as the Lord, serving Him as a slave does his Master, loving and praising Him whole heartedly as a subject to a king.(See Lk 19:37; Mk 6:1).

Many really wanted to be a disciple, but only a few are qualified for this noble call. It is meant for those willing to die and ready to be different; prepared to be nothing for themselves but something for God. To this class of God’s people, their own very life counts but nothing. Those who have chosen rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; they have esteemed the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in the world. They are a people of whom the world is not worthy. They have no where to lay their feeble bodies. They will be tried with cruel mockings and scourgings, sawn asunder, beheaded for gospel’s sake, and slain with the sword. Their lives may be in perils of waters, of robbers, by your own countrymen, by the unbelievers, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, and in cold and nakedness, yet they can’t be desuaded.

ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? Then, you must understand the following:

Being born-again does not automatically make you a disciple; it is just a step into transformation process. (See Acts 11:26).

He is like a slave bought at the market for a price and thus no longer owns himself. He does the bidding of his Lord. (See 1 Corinthians 4:7; 6:20)

He is called and chosen amongst many to be his master’s. He lives the life of his lord. Everything he possesses has become his master’s. (See Gal 2:20).

He leaves every other thing behind to follow his master. (See Matt 4:22).

He counts the cost and ready to pay the price. Nothing seems strong enough to dissuade him from his pursuit. His death warrant reads “if I perish, I perish”.

For a true disciple, there is no turning back in following the Master. Most times we sing the song “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back” without giving it a deep thought. (See Lk 14:28-32; Esther 4:16).

Are we indeed ready for persecution, torture, abuse, hunger, prison and even death for the Master’s sake? (See 1Pet 2:21).

Are you willing because you have the Spirit of God in you? (See Lk 9:52-55).

The words of this aliteration by J. Walch, is more of a prayer to me. Hear it:

“God make my life a little staff,

Whereon the weak may rest;

That so what health and strength I have

May serve my neighbours best.”

This is the crucible where the life of a disciple is placed and mixed with the myrrh of sorrow and grief. And yet, it is the aroma of sweetness God chose to smell. Precious is the death of His saints in His sight. Yes, he must die before the new life can be released for others to live. Welcome on board to this noble calling.

“Discipleship helps you fortify your faith by learning the truth of God’s word and applying biblical principles to your lifestyle. It begins with a decision- It doesn’t have to be a complex decision, but it does have to be sincere. The disciples certainly didn’t understand all of the implications of their decision when they decided to follow Christ; they simply expressed a desire to follow him. Jesus took that simple but sincere decision and built on it”- Rick Warren.

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